There is a lot of people opposed to the abortion abolition movement to the point that they attempt to attack the movement at its core by stating that "abolitionism is not the Gospel". Clearly, they are showing the whole world that they have little knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus, and know even less about living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why abolitionism is not the Gospel message it is the Gospel message being lived out by individuals who only want to be obedient to the Word of God and do what it says to do. Too many well-meaning people believe that good works and being a good person is what earns them a spot in Heaven, but that could not be farther from the truth.
Good works are an outpouring of a fully-surrendered life, a life yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God and an individual who loves God so passionately that they want to do his will not their own. Those involved in the work of abortion abolitionism are only living out what the Word of God tells them to do by confronting the culture of death with the Gospel of Christ and calling for the slaughter of the pre-born to end now not later.
Christ God's Only Son entered the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit in order to redeem mankind from the curse of Sin and Death. That is essence is the Gospel and that is what Christians involved in the abortion abolition movement believe. Therefore, those that wish to mock the abolition movement by making erroneous claims and trying to smear its image are actually mocking God and His Holy Word.
It is the Holy Spirit within the believer that calls them out to obey the commands of God including those that call them to "rescue those being taken to their deaths(Prov. 24:11)"
Isaiah 61:1 - "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed."
Luke 4:18 - ""The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed,"
These two verses of Scripture sound a lot alike they virtually say the same thing yet they are worded slightly different, but all in all the message is the same. God has ordered his people to preach the good news of the Gospel while at the same time it mentions the blind being made to see and the prisoners or oppressed being freed from the chains of sin.
When I read this I also see those involved in abolition crying out on the street corners, at the clinics, in front of the schools, and in front of Churches calling others to come out and be obedient also. It takes an army of believers to rescue the oppressed and who is more oppressed than those pre-born destined for slaughter at America's abortion clinics.
How about this verse?
Psalm 82:4 - "Save the poor and the afflicted from the hand of the wicked"
Proverbs 24:11 - "Deliver those that are being led to death and do not spare to save those that are being held to kill."
How much plainer can I make it, the Bible, God's Inspired Word tells us directly to save the poor and the afflicted, and rescue those being taken to their deaths. When a woman heads towards an abortion clinic she is, in essence, taking her pre-born child to their death and the child has no say in the matter. It is our Christian duty to attempt to stop her from having her child murdered and it is our duty to put a stop to the bloody practice of abortion so that no more innocent children will be the victims of abortion.
The question is then is not why are you calling abolition the Gospel but why are you not obeying God and living out his Gospel by proving your faith by doing what is right by the pre-born?
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