Abby Johnson the well-known national speaker of the so-called Pro-Life Movement has reportedly stated something to the effect that she cannot support the abolition of abortion because it is a Constitutional Right. She is dead wrong is her assumption that abortion is a Constitutional Right because nowhere is the Constitution does it guarantee the right to go out and have your baby killed at will.
As a matter of fact, if you and I are honest about the law and the courts, the courts cannot make law only Congress can do that. The courts can only interpret the law and the Constitution and in the case of Roe v.s Wade the high court misinterpreted the law and made a bogus decision that cost sixty million plus innocent babies their lives.
Many 'good' Churchgoing professing Christians believe that abortion is ok under certain circumstances (Rape, Incest, and Life of the Mother) and even believe that abortion is rare, safe, and legal. These 'good' people are dead wrong and do not understand that supporting abortion under any circumstance is supporting the killing of a healthy normal child made in the image of the God they claim to worship.
This is hypocrisy in its highest form! If you believe that abortion is necessary for certain reasons then don't call yourself pro-life anymore because you are not!
How could anyone honestly believe that killing a child in the womb is justifiable at any time? Abortion is Inutero Infactcide, it is cold-blooded murder no matter what the circumstances are, and as mama told me many times growing up "two wrongs don't make a right.". Abortion is murder in the first degree, it is pre-meditated and perpetrated for selfish reasons.
Should we bring back slavery? Only this time single out gays and exploit them by forcing them to work picking cotton or some other crop? No! Because slavery is a horrible sin and so is abortion! Taking any people group and targeting them to exploit them for profit is sinful and a horrible crime against humanity, and targeting the pre-born no matter what skin color they may have is sinful and those who justify this sin will undoubtedly answer to God on judgment day.
This is why I believe that Abby Johnson and others like her are fakes, and not really pro-life at all. No one has the right to murder someone else because the person(s) is inconvenient for them, or because they are helpless and an easy target.
The abortion industry targets minorities for abortions and is fueled by a long history of racism as that is what Margret Sanger-based her whole campaign to push abortion services on was her incessant hatred of blacks and other minorities not to mention Roman Catholics and Protestant Christians.
Abortion is wrong for many reasons not just because it murders babies for profit and sells their parts out the back door yet maintains a non-profit status, ...hmmm? Abortion does tremendous damage to women all across the country as abortion providers are not the most careful people in the world. They are more interested in killing the baby and moving into the next room to murder another baby for profit.
Too many times they have punctured a woman's uterus or caused some other damage like leaving part of the baby inside for the woman to discover later when she goes into the emergency room with a horrible infection. Too many times the ambulance is called to come to transport some woman to the ER and many times they are instructed by the clinic to roll no lights and no sirens as to not cause suspicion while the woman is bleeding profusely.
Abortion is NOT Rare, NOT Safe, and NOT Legal!
Abortion exploits both the child and the mother for profit so why have we let this hideous practice continue for so long without demanding its abolition? It is because we have bought into the Devil's lies of "it's a woman's choice" and/or "it is women's healthcare" and/or "it is "a Constitutional Right" which it is not. There is nothing in the Consitution or the Bill of Rights that gives anyone the right to murder anyone for any reason. The Constitutional Rights located in the Bill of Rights which guarantees ALL Americans the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Abby Johnson and others like her number is the thousands and ought to be ashamed of themselves. Babies are being slaughtered near where you work, live, and worship and you don't give a hoot in Hell about it! Most modern day 'Christians' are much like the priest and the Levite that took the other side of the road to avoid helping the man left bleeding at the side of the road. Most don't like abortion and think it is wrong but that's as far as it goes there is no stirring in their seared consciouses and no fire in their bellies to demand the abolition of abortion, nor any salt or light left in their dead modern day Christianity.
I am sick of politicians that run using the pro-life moniker yet when they get into office the best they can do is pass more regulations that only control the killing and does nothing to abolish the bloody practice. This is the fruit of forty-five years of pro-life action, a bunch of rules that control the killing and has not ended the bloody practice. This is why I say that the compromising pro-lifers are fake! If you are serious about ending abortion than get serious enough to demand it's immediate abolition!
The ONLY Constitutional Rights located in the Bill of Rights which guarantees ALL Americans the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
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