Is it just me? Or does anyone else see the problem concerning the modern day Church in West Michigan, and across this nation?
I've heard the term "waiting to be raptured from responsibility" and there is a lot of truth to that statement. The Church (Christian Believers) are waiting around for the rapture to take place and ignoring the plight of the pre-born, failing to love their neighbor as themselves, and not evangelizing those around them.
People are dying all around them yet they stay in the comfort of their multi-million dollar cacoons where it is safe even though the Word of God tells them to go out and compel the lost to come in, and preach the Gospel to every creature and make disciples of all nations. The modern day Church has grown lazy and lukewarm having given into the influence of the world instead of influencing the world around them.
They do their religious duty and give the PRC $20, $50, or $100 if anything and think that they have done their "Christian" duty by doing so. They call themselves Pro-Life. Say they "Abortion is wrong" or even that "Abortion is murder", they know it kills a human being in the womb that God knows very well but will not get off their religious donkeys to do anything to stop the slaughter.
60 Million plus babies slaughtered since 1973 whey the "Church of Jesus" stood by complaining and only a small handful dared to get out and stand up against it in the streets. Maybe if the entire Church in America has taken to the streets and demanded "NO Abortion on Demand" Roe v.s. Wade never would have failed, or at least we could have put a stop to abortion a lot sooner.
Christian, you have NOT done your duty, you have not ended the slaughter, the Holocaust in America, you are not "raptured from responsibility" you have the duty before God to abolish the horrible sin of abortion and save millions of lives (Prov. 24:11). Just because this verse shows up in the OT does not mean the command is not valid.
Little helpless human beings who bear the image of the God you claim to believe in and love are being taken into these places of death and ripped into pieces while the Church marches on in blissful ignorance because they are willfully ignoring the fact that babies are being murdered right near their home and their place of worship.
Your token donations to the pro-life movement have done nothing but enable the abortion industry to continue its agenda of death why so-called pro-life lawmakers pass another useless regulation to control the killing of the pre-born not end it. Here is a news flash people - many politicians claim to be pro-life only to get themselves elected then do absolutely nothing to end abortion once they get into office.
We cannot count on others to do what we have been ordered by God to do ourselves.
We need every Bible Believing Follower of Christ on the Front-Lines demanding change in our society, the total abolition of human abortion!
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