Monday, May 11, 2020

Church on locked down still refuses to repent

Now we can't even go to our Churches to worship because of this Covid19 Virus and the Government orders to stay home and not meet in places where there are lots of other people in order to stop the spread of this 'deadly virus'.  So Christians are all upset because of the fact that they can't do what they have normally done?  You don't know what you have until you don't have the freedom to do that anymore.  Maybe God is trying to make a point in all this mess?  How about this?  You and I took out freedom for granted why denying the same freedom to those living in the womb.  Why many Church-Going, Professing Christians have fattened their own hearts on the good things of life they have grown weak and apathetic spiritually and taking the things of God lightly.

Why thousands even millions of pre-born children are being ripped apart alive near where they worship, work, and live.  American Church-goers have looked the other way and tried to ignore the truth of what is taking place.  They have pacified their consciouses by claiming to be pro-life and thrown some money towards pro-life causes, very few have put their faith into action and demanded the end of abortion in this nation.  If you think that abortion is a necessary evil in society that it is a woman's choice then you don't understand the Scripture very well at all.  God makes a clear case for human life at all stages of development in the womb and outside the womb.  If we believe that human life begins at conception then we can not support abortion for any reason because it is a clear violation of the sacred place where life begins and develops. 

Satan loves nothing more than seeing more and more babies sacrificed on the altar of self, selfishness, and greed. He has duped many people into compromising on the issue of abortion so that there is not enough of a true opposition to abortion calling for its immediate end.  Instead, they fall into the trap of gradual abolition which will never accomplish anything except that it allows thousands of more babies to be slaughtered why they attempt to regulate it out of existence.  The pro-life movement has done more to enable abortion than it has done to end it now!  Christian step-back at re-evaluate where you stand on this issue?  Can you in good conscious go on allowing babies to be slaughtered why you live in virtual comfort and worship in comfort?

The Church is supposed to be salt and light and make a difference in society but I don't see it doing so.  What I see is luke-warm religion that does not affect the culture the way it ought to.  Jesus said that he rather we be ice cold or burning hot but he sees luke-warm and it makes him want to hurl!  The time to repent and seek the Lord is now!

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Call of Repentance and the End of Abortion (Child Sacrifice)

The battle lines were drawn long ago when mortal men decided to play god and decide for themselves and decide which lives are worth living and which ones are not.  The pre-born/unborn have been reduced to being political pawns used to garner votes from those that have no respect for human life, and have no problem shedding the blood of the innocent.

Wickedness left unchecked and unchallenged will grow and gain strength until it is able to overpower society, and the one force on earth that has the power and authority to stand against evil and influence society seems to have lost its ability to discern between good and evil, or at least it has lost most of its Salt and Light and has lost its moral authority within the culture.  Yes, I am referring to the Christian Church in North America.

Society no longer respects the sanctity of human life. Why? Because good men did nothing when they should have been doing something to stop this evil thing in its tracks but instead we watched from the sidelines as wicked men worked to undermine our moral and spiritual underpinnings, the foundation that once we stood upon, now in crumbling beneath our feet as wicked individuals are pushing for even greater evil.

Now they must kill a child up to the moment of birth or shortly after the birth kills it by leaving it to die, or physically hastening the child's demise.  What are Christians doing to counter this radical agenda?  What have they done for forty-five years?  Virtually nothing to abolish abortion only passing regulations that the abortion industry skates around. 

Regulations only control the killing they do nothing to end it and I believe the Word of God gives us clear precedence that we are to stand against evil and oppose all wickedness freeing those who are oppressed and being used as slaves and pawns for evil gain.  Christian you and I are responsible before God for allowing this murderous rampage to continue in our nation which claims to be one nation under God yet has forsaken the God it claims to be under.

When men play God they become their own god and nothing but evil abounds as they seek to do what is right in their own eyes and care nothing about what is right in God's eyes.  I will not warn you about impending judgment because I believe it is already upon us our chance to repent and turn away from our own sinful ways is coming to a close.  This is our last chance to rise up and call this nation to repent and abolish abortion (child sacrifice).

Will we seize the moment and end our apathy towards sin and evil or will we turn the other way and face the judgment we clearly deserve?  Will we kneel before our creator in humility or continue in our pride and arrogance? Will we dare to take the necessary risk and call others to repent and join the battle to end abortion in this nation, or will we remain a church full of cowards too afraid to take a stand for righteousness sake?

Abolitionism is the Gospel of our Lord lived out it is the sacrificing of ourselves to save those being oppressed and murdered for profit.  Our Lord Jesus Christ gave his all for us to set us free from the bondage of sin and death and He calls us to obey his Word and follow his commands. 

Proverbs 24:11-12 - (Good News Translation) - "Don't hesitate to rescue someone who is about to be executed unjustly.  You may say that it is none of your business, but God knows and judges your motives. He keeps watch on you; he knows. And he will reward you according to what you do.

You and I are not that stupid. We know what takes place behind the cold steel doors of every abortuary in this nation.  We know that human beings are dismembered alive in the womb mercilessly, or by other brutal and inhumane methods.  Have we not turned a blind eye as the priest and the Levite did?  We know full well the murderous ways of wicked men and yet we have done little to end it.

We have a stand firmly against this evil and other evils and petition God and our elected officials until we have enacted the abolition of child sacrifice once and for all.  Church of Jesus Christ.  Will you take up this mission?  Will you stand against this evil?  Will you join the battle for the end of abortion in this nation? 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Evil Thrives When Church People Tolerate Sin and Do Nothing

Evil is thriving in America and in our Churches.  Sin has been tolerated far too long and now we are reaping the fruits of our spiritual apathy and silence.  Now we watch as evil people take our nation farther down the slippery slope than we ever imagined it would go.  Now it's not enough to kill an innocent child in the early stages of their development in the womb, or in the second trimester, now they are passing laws in some states to kill the children up to end of the third trimester when they are ready to be born, or even after birth.

Wickedness abounds because the Church has lost its salt & light and very few followers of Jesus dare to speak out or do anything to end the slaughtering on the innocent.  It has been stated that "evil thrives when good men do nothing" and this holds true among Christians also.  How will we stand before a Holy God and how shall we explain that we did very little to end the holocaust against the pre-born / unborn?

Too many professing believers still believe that abortion serves a purpose in society or that it is a Constitutional Right and so we cannot do anything about it. Both are false and wrong thinking.  What we call abortion is no ones right and does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.  In fact, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution say the opposite and many have bought into the lies of Satan and become cauterized in their hearts and lukewarm in their faith.

We are warned in Scripture that in the Last Days many will fall away from the faith and become lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God.  Too many professing Christians love themselves more than they love God and have become so used to compromise they don't care anymore.  They may say that abortion is wrong but that is as far as they go, they will not become engaged in the fight for the lives of the pre-born because they are too comfortable.

God has not called us to be comfortable or happy. God has called his people to be Holy!

The next generation of millennials will bring us the mass misery of socialism and what we have known as far as our liberties will be gone unless we who profess to know Christ change our ways quickly.  The next generation cares nothing about God or the Bible, believes in science and climate change.  Believes that abortion is a right and that women should be able to have their children killed if they want to.  This nation is in big big trouble unless we turn back to God now!

The Church is the key to ending the killing spree that began in 1973 when the Supreme Court of the United States decided to allow child killing under the law.  The Court clearly misinterpreted the law and made an erroneous decision that caused the deaths of Sixty-Five Million Plus Children.  The High Court has lots of innocent blood on their hands but they might be able to atone for this miscarriage of the law.

Again, Sen. Rand Paul has brought before the Congress a bill that would protect the pre-born from the point of conception thru birth and ensure them the equal access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness under the law that the rest of us have enjoyed for a long time.

Abortion just like Slavery needs to be abolished so that children are again viewed as being protected persons and afforded the same rights as everyone else.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Fake Pro-Lifers Support Abortion as Constitutional Right

Abby Johnson the well-known national speaker of the so-called Pro-Life Movement has reportedly stated something to the effect that she cannot support the abolition of abortion because it is a Constitutional Right.  She is dead wrong is her assumption that abortion is a Constitutional Right because nowhere is the Constitution does it guarantee the right to go out and have your baby killed at will.

As a matter of fact, if you and I are honest about the law and the courts, the courts cannot make law only Congress can do that. The courts can only interpret the law and the Constitution and in the case of Roe v.s Wade the high court misinterpreted the law and made a bogus decision that cost sixty million plus innocent babies their lives.

Many 'good' Churchgoing professing Christians believe that abortion is ok under certain circumstances (Rape, Incest, and Life of the Mother) and even believe that abortion is rare, safe, and legal.  These 'good' people are dead wrong and do not understand that supporting abortion under any circumstance is supporting the killing of a healthy normal child made in the image of the God they claim to worship.

This is hypocrisy in its highest form!  If you believe that abortion is necessary for certain reasons then don't call yourself pro-life anymore because you are not!

How could anyone honestly believe that killing a child in the womb is justifiable at any time?  Abortion is Inutero Infactcide, it is cold-blooded murder no matter what the circumstances are, and as mama told me many times growing up "two wrongs don't make a right.".  Abortion is murder in the first degree, it is pre-meditated and perpetrated for selfish reasons.

Should we bring back slavery?  Only this time single out gays and exploit them by forcing them to work picking cotton or some other crop?  No! Because slavery is a horrible sin and so is abortion! Taking any people group and targeting them to exploit them for profit is sinful and a horrible crime against humanity, and targeting the pre-born no matter what skin color they may have is sinful and those who justify this sin will undoubtedly answer to God on judgment day.

This is why I believe that Abby Johnson and others like her are fakes, and not really pro-life at all. No one has the right to murder someone else because the person(s) is inconvenient for them, or because they are helpless and an easy target.

The abortion industry targets minorities for abortions and is fueled by a long history of racism as that is what Margret Sanger-based her whole campaign to push abortion services on was her incessant hatred of blacks and other minorities not to mention Roman Catholics and Protestant Christians.

Abortion is wrong for many reasons not just because it murders babies for profit and sells their parts out the back door yet maintains a non-profit status, ...hmmm?  Abortion does tremendous damage to women all across the country as abortion providers are not the most careful people in the world. They are more interested in killing the baby and moving into the next room to murder another baby for profit.

Too many times they have punctured a woman's uterus or caused some other damage like leaving part of the baby inside for the woman to discover later when she goes into the emergency room with a horrible infection. Too many times the ambulance is called to come to transport some woman to the ER and many times they are instructed by the clinic to roll no lights and no sirens as to not cause suspicion while the woman is bleeding profusely.

Abortion is NOT Rare, NOT Safe, and NOT Legal!

Abortion exploits both the child and the mother for profit so why have we let this hideous practice continue for so long without demanding its abolition?  It is because we have bought into the Devil's lies of "it's a woman's choice" and/or "it is women's healthcare" and/or "it is "a Constitutional Right" which it is not.  There is nothing in the Consitution or the Bill of Rights that gives anyone the right to murder anyone for any reason.  The Constitutional Rights located in the Bill of Rights which guarantees ALL Americans the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

Abby Johnson and others like her number is the thousands and ought to be ashamed of themselves.  Babies are being slaughtered near where you work, live, and worship and you don't give a hoot in Hell about it!  Most modern day 'Christians' are much like the priest and the Levite that took the other side of the road to avoid helping the man left bleeding at the side of the road.  Most don't like abortion and think it is wrong but that's as far as it goes there is no stirring in their seared consciouses and no fire in their bellies to demand the abolition of abortion, nor any salt or light left in their dead modern day Christianity.

I am sick of politicians that run using the pro-life moniker yet when they get into office the best they can do is pass more regulations that only control the killing and does nothing to abolish the bloody practice.  This is the fruit of forty-five years of pro-life action, a bunch of rules that control the killing and has not ended the bloody practice.  This is why I say that the compromising pro-lifers are fake! If you are serious about ending abortion than get serious enough to demand it's immediate abolition!

The ONLY Constitutional Rights located in the Bill of Rights which guarantees ALL Americans the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Abortion Abolitionism is the Gospel Lived Out

There is a lot of people opposed to the abortion abolition movement to the point that they attempt to attack the movement at its core by stating that "abolitionism is not the Gospel".   Clearly, they are showing the whole world that they have little knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus, and know even less about living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Why abolitionism is not the Gospel message it is the Gospel message being lived out by individuals who only want to be obedient to the Word of God and do what it says to do.  Too many well-meaning people believe that good works and being a good person is what earns them a spot in Heaven, but that could not be farther from the truth.

Good works are an outpouring of a fully-surrendered life, a life yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God and an individual who loves God so passionately that they want to do his will not their own.  Those involved in the work of abortion abolitionism are only living out what the Word of God tells them to do by confronting the culture of death with the Gospel of Christ and calling for the slaughter of the pre-born to end now not later.

Christ God's Only Son entered the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit in order to redeem mankind from the curse of Sin and Death.  That is essence is the Gospel and that is what Christians involved in the abortion abolition movement believe. Therefore, those that wish to mock the abolition movement by making erroneous claims and trying to smear its image are actually mocking God and His Holy Word.

It is the Holy Spirit within the believer that calls them out to obey the commands of God including those that call them to "rescue those being taken to their deaths(Prov. 24:11)"

Isaiah 61:1 - "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed."

Luke 4:18 - "
"The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed,"

These two verses of Scripture sound a lot alike they virtually say the same thing yet they are worded slightly different, but all in all the message is the same.  God has ordered his people to preach the good news of the Gospel while at the same time it mentions the blind being made to see and the prisoners or oppressed being freed from the chains of sin.  

When I read this I also see those involved in abolition crying out on the street corners, at the clinics, in front of the schools, and in front of Churches calling others to come out and be obedient also. It takes an army of believers to rescue the oppressed and who is more oppressed than those pre-born destined for slaughter at America's abortion clinics. 

How about this verse?

Psalm 82:4 - "Save the poor and the afflicted from the hand of the wicked"

Proverbs 24:11 - "Deliver those that are being led to death and do not spare to save those that are being held to kill."

How much plainer can I make it, the Bible, God's Inspired Word tells us directly to save the poor and the afflicted, and rescue those being taken to their deaths. When a woman heads towards an abortion clinic she is, in essence, taking her pre-born child to their death and the child has no say in the matter.  It is our Christian duty to attempt to stop her from having her child murdered and it is our duty to put a stop to the bloody practice of abortion so that no more innocent children will be the victims of abortion.

The question is then is not why are you calling abolition the Gospel but why are you not obeying God and living out his Gospel by proving your faith by doing what is right by the pre-born?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ignoring the Issue of Abortion Won't Get It Abolished

Is it just me?  Or does anyone else see the problem concerning the modern day Church in West Michigan, and across this nation? 

I've heard the term "waiting to be raptured from responsibility" and there is a lot of truth to that statement.  The Church (Christian Believers) are waiting around for the rapture to take place and ignoring the plight of the pre-born, failing to love their neighbor as themselves, and not evangelizing those around them.

People are dying all around them yet they stay in the comfort of their multi-million dollar cacoons where it is safe even though the Word of God tells them to go out and compel the lost to come in, and preach the Gospel to every creature and make disciples of all nations. The modern day Church has grown lazy and lukewarm having given into the influence of the world instead of influencing the world around them.

They do their religious duty and give the PRC $20, $50, or $100 if anything and think that they have done their "Christian" duty by doing so.  They call themselves Pro-Life. Say they "Abortion is wrong" or even that "Abortion is murder", they know it kills a human being in the womb that God knows very well but will not get off their religious donkeys to do anything to stop the slaughter.

60 Million plus babies slaughtered since 1973 whey the "Church of Jesus" stood by complaining and only a small handful dared to get out and stand up against it in the streets. Maybe if the entire Church in America has taken to the streets and demanded "NO Abortion on Demand"  Roe v.s. Wade never would have failed, or at least we could have put a stop to abortion a lot sooner.

Christian, you have NOT done your duty, you have not ended the slaughter, the Holocaust in America, you are not "raptured from responsibility" you have the duty before God to abolish the horrible sin of abortion and save millions of lives (Prov. 24:11).  Just because this verse shows up in the OT does not mean the command is not valid.

Little helpless human beings who bear the image of the God you claim to believe in and love are being taken into these places of death and ripped into pieces while the Church marches on in blissful ignorance because they are willfully ignoring the fact that babies are being murdered right near their home and their place of worship. 

Your token donations to the pro-life movement have done nothing but enable the abortion industry to continue its agenda of death why so-called pro-life lawmakers pass another useless regulation to control the killing of the pre-born not end it.  Here is a news flash people - many politicians claim to be pro-life only to get themselves elected then do absolutely nothing to end abortion once they get into office.

We cannot count on others to do what we have been ordered by God to do ourselves.

We need every Bible Believing Follower of Christ on the Front-Lines demanding change in our society, the total abolition of human abortion!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Given to Compromise....The Morally Weak Modern Day Church

I have come to the conclusion that there is a spirit of apathy that has fallen upon today's professing Christians and it has dulled their sense of Biblical morality to the point where they give it lip and mind service but do not obey God's Word and go and do it. The modern day Church is full of people involved in various forms of immorality, and greed. Legalism abounds and has sucked the spiritual life right out of our Churches and thus we lack the power of God.

The pulpits are not on fire with righteousness in many of our Churches. They may preach the Bible but do not preach the Gospel, and nobody is getting saved in many Churches today. Pastors are more concerned about keeping the people pacified so they keep putting money in the plate then they are with preaching righteousness and sexual purity.

Many professing Christians believe that abortion is wrong and kills a tiny human being but yet they think that abortion is ok under certain circumstances. Some have bought into the lie that it is a woman's choice and a woman's body so we must stay out of it and let them decide. The problem with this train of thought is that the child growing inside her body has his/her own body, his/her own heart, blood, bowel movements, and often has a different blood type than the mother does.

Those to propagate abortion on demand have done so out of sheer hatred for minority people groups. Margret Sanger hated blacks and other minorities and wanted to exterminate them by means of killing them before they could be born. She marketed abortion as the responsible thing to do and that having large families was immoral and evil.  She was a student of Adolf Hitler, an avowed socialist and a bi-sexual.  She also was into the occult which ought to send up a red flag to many people.

Sanger also hated the Catholic Church and Christianity in general. She hired black ministers to convince their flocks that abortion as birth control and was the right thing for them to do.  Sanger intended that abortion would, in fact, be used to undermine the moral authority of the Christian Church.

The Church is responsible today for the continuation of abortion which in essence is child sacrifice unto Satan.  Far too many professing Christians have been caught at abortion mills not to witness to the lost and call out to women not to kill their babies, but they are there to have their own children killed while claiming to know Christ.

How can this be?  The pulpits are silent!  Too many preachers are cowards and won't tackle this issue for fear of losing parishioners or losing their jobs.  The fear of mankind is keeping Church leadership from preaching against the sin of abortion and calling for the Church to rise up and enact abolition of abortion.

I am afraid that the large portion of the modern day Church has given itself over to compromise and the Satan has them stuck in the mire of apathy so that they don't want to lift and finger to do anything about anything. I wonder then how many Church people are truly born-again, and how many are not? Seems very few have a real passion for reaching the lost and the same has a passion for ending abortion, the rest could care less. Could it be that the true Church is but a remnant embedded within the modern day Church at large?

Church people get angry when confronted with the truth of abortion and when called to join the movement to abolish it, they don't think abolition is necessary or it is not their calling.  I have been attacked, insulted, and maligned by people from my own church for standing up and calling them to the work of abolition.  People who do such things like this are convicted and involved in some type of sin and don't want to change.

Who are any of us that we should compromise on the lives and blood of any other human being for the explicit reason that we are all bear the image of God and therefore are set apart from every other creature on earth?  The pre-born child from the moment of conception must be protected under the law, The Bill of Rights declares it that we all have certain unalienable rights and among them are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

How to light a fire under the masses of Churchgoers in America?  We all must be broken before God and in humility cry out to him to be cleansed, and to send us revival.  Abolition will never happen unless we get enough revived believers to rise up and demand the abolition of abortion. Please understand that what I write here I write in the spirit of love for others and for God.  I pray we will see the abolition of abortion happen in this land, only then will America be great again.