Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Apathy (Photo credit: Toban B.)

Religious Traditions tend to go hand in hand with Legalism! Legalism in the Church has destroyed the Church, and made the Gospel of Jesus on NO effect in the lives of thousands of Churchians in West Michigan, and throughout this nation.
The Church is full of sin! Every kind of immoral practice has found it's way into our Churches, and because Church leadership does not confront sin, nor even preach against it, it spreads throughout the entire body. God tells us that a "little yeast spoils the whole batch". Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Witchcraft, and other sin is rampant in our Churches, even in West Michigan!

Religious Traditions tend to go hand in hand with Legalism! Legalism in the Church has destroyed the Church, and made the Gospel of Jesus on NO effect in the lives of thousands of Churchians in West Michigan, and throughout this nation. 

The Church is full of sin! Every kind of immoral practice has found it's way into our Churches, and because Church leadership does not confront sin, nor even preach against it, it spreads throughout the entire body. God tells us that a "little yeast spoils the whole batch". Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Witchcraft, and other sin is rampant in our Churches, even in West Michigan!

Therefore the Churches are spiritually dead! Believers are full of apathy! There are many in our Churches that are actually lost, and not a part from the Body of Christ! Therefore the witness of the Gospel is weak and powerless, and those who are saved live apathetic, defeated lives because they lack the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is why the Church is under-fire now from the radical left, too accept homosexuality, and gay marriage, or else! Many Churches have caved in and turned away from God's Word and embraced this sin, in order to accommodate, wicked people in their congregations, instead of preaching unto them, the Gospel of Christ, and showing them how Christ can change them.

Finding passionate Evangelical Christians to become abolitionists, and work with us to abolish human abortion is like hunting for a needle in a haystack. People who will actually step out and do something for God are few and far between, I have too be a part time dentist and pull peoples teeth to get them involved in the work of God.

Surely we are living in the Very Last Day's, and we are seeing the Great Falling Away from the Truth of God's Word!

The Church in West Michigan needs to Repent!

Repent of it's apathy towards the things of God, and it's apathy toward the the plight of the Pre-born. Like the German Church-Goers most have looked the other way while little helpless babies are ripped apart in their mothers wombs, with no mercy shown them whatsoever. Just because we can't hear them scream in pain, does not mean that they are not screaming, they are!  

Their blood is on our hands as we have sat by living our own comfortable lives. Our Air Conditioned homes, cars, and Church Buildings keep us happy, and safe. While the most dangerous place for a child is their mothers womb, which God created to be a safe place.                     
Satan the Master of Deception has not only created himself an dark altar on which the Pre-born are sacrificed daily too him, he has deceived the elect into doing nothing about the lost, or the unborn. The Devil has invaded our Churches and they are nothing more than whitewashed tombs full of the bones of dead men.
The Church needs to Repent!  NOW! 

Friday, September 27, 2013


Are you a Born-again Christian and Pro-Life?

Have you felt a burning in your spirit too do something more to end abortion but you did not know what too do, or how to do it?

Do you want to be help Change the Culture from a culture of death, to a culture of life?

Do you have a desire to share your faith in Christ with others?

AHA (Abolish Human Abortion) is a Christian/Evangelical, Gospel Driven organization based out of Oklahoma. It is an movement of abolitionists who are fully committed to abolishing abortion once and for all. Not in another 43 years of Pro-Life activism that we have seen the last 43 years, that has not ended abortion at all!

Just like the abolitionists that fought to end slavery, we believe that abortion is just as wrong, and needs to end just the same as slavery did. We need committed Christian brothers and sisters to join our movement! There are local Abolitionist Societies all across this nation looking for new members of join the fight!

This is not a passing fad, or some kind of social club, we are dead serious about abolishing abortion, and we have a plan to do just that, it's called the "Seven Steps and Strategies of Abolitionism" also the "Five Tenets of Abolitionism". It is our belief that Abolition is the Work of the Evangelical Church, that it lines up perfectly with the Great Commission, and in fact is obedience to the Word of God! We believe that Christians ought to "Love their neighbor as yourself" includes our Pre-born Neighbors.

Check out this website to make sure this is something you want to do, and if you find that you like what you see, then pray about it. Then if you still feel this is something you would like to be involved with, look at the list of abolition societies for the closet one to your location, and join it!

If you are in Michigan, we have a West Michigan Society, Central Michigan Society, and a Detroit Metro Society looking and praying for more members. There is also an AHA state group.


God Bless You!
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Abolitionists as Missionaries of Mercy

There are two sides of abolitionism, Agitation, and Assistance. Or shall we say Confronting Evil, and Showing Mercy?  One the front side we confront evil with the truth, and preach the divisive message of the Gospel, and on the other side we reach out with the love of God to those who have either had an abortion and need help, or those that have chosen not to go through with the abortion, and need help.

Our Lord Jesus always displayed mercy to those he came in contact with, and called people to repentance before God, and too turn and follow him. Christ gave the Church marching orders to "preach the Gospel to every living creature" and too "Make disciples of all nations".  The Christian Church has spent millions of dollars sending missionaries to Africa, and too other remote places around the globe, and that is a good thing.

The sad thing is that they have neglected to love their pre-born neighbors, and reach out to the hurting in their own locale. While many local bodies do reach out locally, often they ignore the fact that just down the street there is an abortion clinic where the innocent are killed for profit. Many Christians will claim to be Pro-Life but they have done nothing too help end the evil of abortion, in fact most are very apathetic, and don't want to get involved.

Abolition is simply Christianity applied too the Culture, it is faith being put into action, and we know that faith without works is dead according to the Word of God. Abolitionists believe that Abolition is the work of the Evangelical Church, it is fulfilling the commands of Christ Jesus. We believe that if every Pastor and Congregations would rise up and do the work of Abolition that abortion would be abolished in this land.

We agitate by standing out in public with our AHA shirts & signs, designed to get a rise out of people. We confront their conscious's with bits of truth, and we speak the truth of God to them. We do this not because we hate people, but because we love them, and want them to change their hearts and minds on the issue of abortion. We confront Church people and prick their hearts so that they break away from the apathy they have lived in far too long.

We Assist by showing the love of God and showing mercy to men and women directly affected by abortion. We steer them towards the help they need. Our prayer is that they find healing & reconciliation, and forgiveness in Christ Jesus. We also help women who decide not to have an abortion and ask for help. We send them to the nearest pregnancy resource center where they can get free assistance.

We reach out to people with the Gospel of Jesus because we are commanded by Jesus to do this, and because it is the one thing that transforms hearts and lives. The Abolitionist is indeed a missionary to the culture, the culture of death. The Scripture say's that God has in fact given his people the ministry of showing mercy to others, we are too do what is just, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

After all, God has showed us love by sending Christ to be our substitute on the cross, taking all the wrath we justly deserved, and showing us mercy by not holding our sins against us. In Jesus Christ we are totally free in that God will never count any of our sin against us ever. So it is only right that we reach out to those in our society that have made mistakes, even the sin of abortion, and show them the mercy that has been afforded to us.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Methodology of the Pro-Life Movement Must Change

English: West face of the United States Suprem...
English: West face of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. EspaƱol: Edificio de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos en Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Since the United States Supreme Court shoved abortion on demand down America's throats thanks too the famous case of Roe v.s. Wade, over 55 Million pre-born children have been sacrificed on the altar of selfish convenience.  Feminist groups latched onto this and called it a woman's right to choose, and those who oppose the barbaric practice began what is known as the Pro-life movement. Two sides both in strict opposition to each other, neither side has fully succeeded in accomplishing their final agenda.

For forty plus years people have stood outside these houses of death, where babies are being murdered without mercy, without justice, and for forty plus years those the left has pushed to expand abortion services, and to gather more tax payer funding for their evil work. Forty plus years, over fifty-five million dead babies, persons whose rights were taken away from them by the Government, so they could be dehumanized, and killed for profit. No civilized society murders it's own citizens, what kind of a nation are we living in?

I want to focus in on the Pro-life movement, and how for the last 40 plus years they have been using the same tactics with very little change occurring in the way they operate. People gather in front of the death houses to pray, and prayer is a good thing, but silent vigils only enable abortion to continue, they don't effect it's abolition.

Sidewalk counselors are amazing people, they volunteer to stand near these houses of death for hours, calling out to the people who are walking into the clinics, trying to get them to come over and talk too them first. Some respond, many don't. A few accept the free help, and choose life for their babies, but the majority still enter the death houses to have their babies killed for money.

The Pro-Life movement has settled for second best, hoping to end abortion over time. The whole idea of incrementalism, win a few victories over many years and maybe abortion will end is not good enough. This only enables abortion to continue, and results in thousands of more dead children, persons that might be alive today in abortion had been abolished all together. What needs to happen? Everyone in the Pro-life movement needs to adopt the abolition mindset, and abolish abortion once and for all.

While creating a national network of abolitionists takes time, in the end it will pay off in a big way. The methodology of the Pro-Life movement needs to change now if we are to change the heart of the culture from one of death, to a culture of life. Silent vigils, candles, and crucifixes alone will not abolish abortion, forty plus years shows that too be true. If things are too change a little disruption needs to occur, there can be no tranquility for those who kill children.

Most of us remember a group called Operation Rescue, and how the leaders of this group were repeatedly arrested for blocking the doorways of the clinics, which only resulted in laws being created making it illegal to block the entrances, and drives. One thing they did right however was the graphic signage, and the calling out to those entering the clinics. That is the one thing that must remain, the signs that are provocative, and make people look.

Enter a new group called Abolish Human Abortion, a group formed in the state of Oklahoma by a few guys and gals who saw that what the Pro-life movement was doing to date, really was not working. They developed a logo that is eye catching, and slogans that make people think. They do some of what the traditional pro-lifers do, plus they protest at churches which are liberal and pro-choice, but they also exhort conservative churches to follow the commands of Christ "To love your neighbor as yourself", this includes your pre-born neighbor.

Using some slick marketing ideas, wearing T-shirts and hoodies with the AHA logo on them, and maybe one of their many slogans, a abolitionist wristband, and armed with a handful of drop-cards or fold-out brochures, they work tirelessly to wake up the dead churches, and transform the culture to that abortion will be abolished sooner than later.

The difference between Pro-lifers and Abolitionists is the sense of urgency abolitionists have to abolish abortion. While the pro-life movement hopes for another piece of legislation that might place some restrictions on abortion, abolitionists work to end abortion now! Abolitionists know that abortion will not end till enough people have joined their movement so that revival can come to the Church, and then Political Revolution can occur so that the Government will be forced to reverse it's law, and abortion will be abolished.

AHA considers abolition to be an important part of the Great Commission that Jesus Christ gave his Church, to go out and preach the Gospel to every living creature. AHA does indeed preach the Gospel when it goes out on the street, and it does so without compromise, or excuse. Abolitionists view the work of abolition as being the work of the church, and the long held work of Evangelicals more-so than that of orthodox Christians. Abolitionism is a calling that God has placed upon his Church, and we must answer that call, and love our pre-born neighbor, and abolish abortion.

If abolitionists fail to accomplish their goals. If the Christians remain inactive, and fail to be Christian by not sharing in the work of abolition, then we have truly lost the culture, and we will be the next group they come for to kill. How can anyone who calls himself/herself a follower of Christ not get involved in the work of abolition? If the Church is too be salt & light it must engage in radially transforming this culture by living out the Gospel, not just preaching it. Words become empty unless they are not backed up with actions, faith without works is dead.


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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Exhortation and Confrontation

Look how those in the Pro-Life movement have been treated, and labeled all these years, just because they believe in the sanctity of human life, and want it protected. Look how evil men have passed laws to protect their evil practices, while turning those with the proper intentions into criminals. Notice how they turn the tables on the righteous?

Again we see it with the homosexual movement, those who believe in what is right as vilified for belief in God, and his Holy Word. Those of us that feel that homosexual behavior is sinful are made of look like complete loons because of our beliefs, but were we not warned by God in Scripture that this would happen? I remember that Jesus told his people that they would be hated because of him, and not to become disheartened over it, but too endure it for His sake.

Let's be honest here. We are dealing with sinful men in their natural state apart from God and Christ. The Gospel is enmity to them, they see it as death, or chains they don't want to be in. These individuals are driven by Demonic Spirits, they are controlled by them, and this is why they cringe at the mention of Christ, Christianity, and the Bible.

The Pro-Death (abortion) movement is controlled by Satan and his demons. Many directly involved in the abortion industry are directly involved in Satanism, and the occult. They go as far as too view each and every abortion as a child sacrifice to Satan, and that's exactly what they are. Abortion is a spiritual issue that requires and spiritual response.

How many Christians really understand spiritual warfare, and practice it on a regular basis? While demonstrations, and picketing, vigils, etc. are all good things to do, it is real prayer over a long period of time that will bring the abortion industry to it's knees. While passing laws that tighten and restrict access to abortion is a great thing, and educating those in the medical community about the nasty lives of abortionists is a good thing also, they won't effect that dark powers behind the abortion industry.

We should have prayer rooms near every clinic that people can gather in and pray these places closed. We need to pray for the doctors that perform abortions, and well as those who assist him/her, that they might repent, and be saved. Pray does change things, and it is a powerful unseen weapon of mass destruction upon the kingdom of darkness.

Why won't more professing Christians get involved in the abolition movement to abolish abortion? America is a modern day Laodicea. We have grown big, fat, and lazy off the fat of the land so too speak! We are hooked on convenience, and entertainment, and have too have our daily fix of the world, and it's offerings. Many have no spiritual convictions even though they attend Church every week, and I am talking about evangelicals here!

Women who are supposed to be Christians, followers of Christ, and even Pro-Life is some cases still show up at abortion clinics as clients, not as soldiers of Jesus Christ coming to pray and reach out too women heading into the clinics.

Most of us disagree with abortion, think it is hideous, but never go down the street to take a real stand of Jesus, or even seriously pray about this issue. Most so-called Christians are indifferent  and apathetic about the abortion issue. Those of us with passion and fire have a huge task laid out before us to wake up the sleep Church, and get the people involved in the fight.

Human lives are being ended everyday by the thousands while the Church sleeps! Helpless little innocent babies are torn to shreds while we sing praise and worship songs, jump up and down, and clap our hands. The American Church is in the same sinking boat as the German Church was when Hitler was murdering Jews by the thousands.

They could hear the audible cries of the people pleading for help, and see the smoke rising up from the crematories where the bodies were burned after being gassed to death. We may not hear the audible cries, or see the smoke rising up, but nonetheless, they are happening within blocks, or a few miles from our homes, and our Church buildings. Isn't about time that the Church rise up and stand up for the most helpless among us?

It has been said that if masses of professing Christians would become engaged in the abolition of abortion, abortion on demand would cease, clinics would all close, and babies would live. Please join the movement today for the sake of those who cannot speak for themselves.    

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why Christian Pro-Lifers Need to Get Over Themselves

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...
Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church http://www.stjohnsashfield.org.au, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most people who are involved in the Pro-Life/Anti-abortion movement are Christian folks who believe in God, the Bible, and the Right to Life for every individual, whether born, or unborn. These are the same type of people that stood against slavery, and other injustices throughout history where human beings were not treated as human beings, and the law of the land came into direct conflict with the Word of God.

Christians also believe that people are created in the image of God per the book of Genesis, and that because of this, we are created different than the animals, and birds, etc. Human beings have a soul, they are eternal beings, yet the body they spend their lives on earth in, is only a temporary body. They also believe that God has a plan for every person's life, and he knows there name while they are still being formed in their mothers womb.

Most Pro-lifers will agree on these basic things, and most agree that abortion needs to be stopped. What they lack is the physical means to make it happen, mostly because of some schisms between Pro-Life groups. A member of one Pro-Life group made some comments about some others that has caused a great backlash in the movement, now some Pro-Lifers, mainly Catholic's, won't work with this particular group, and the attacks made by Catholic Pro-lifers have not been all that Christian either.

Why I personally understand why this fellow was saying in regards to Catholics is popular among Protestants, and some Evangelicals who disagree with the Catholic Churches teachings, voicing such opinions causes great division among Pro-Lifer's and hurts the overall movement because it weakens and divides people. People who would otherwise stand shoulder to shoulder fighting the evil of abortion.

Why there are differences in doctrine, and church teachings between different groups, but when it comes to ending abortion on demand, those differences must be set aside for the greater cause. Now I do not know if something happened on the street that started this whole mess, but two wrongs don't make a right, and AHA should issue an apology for offending the Catholics.

Why am I adamant about this issue?  First off, it hurts the overall movement be causing necessary division, and secondly it cuts off the line of communication between Catholics, and Evangelicals. If you feel that strongly that Catholics are wrong, and are involved in idolatry, then don't offend them, but show them grace, and kindness, and maybe some of them will come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus while your all out on the street ministering.

These people are as much your mission field as any woman walking into an abortion clinic. Would Jesus lash out with unkind words, or would he love them enough to call them to repentance? Jesus always showed love and compassion, except to the religious rulers of His day who continued to question him in hopes of trapping him, so they could take him out and kill him. Jesus always showed the way to the Father in Heaven, and it was always through him. In the same way those who stand up and preach the truth today are maligned by those who are religious, but have no relationship with God through Christ.

We cannot win the war against the slaughter of the unborn if we are divided, because a house divided cannot stand. Pride in fact is a great sin, and it cometh before a fall according to Scripture. There is NO room for egomaniacs on the front lines, we must remain humble before God, and men. Humility is what is needed here, on both sides of this schism.

I absolutely believe in preaching the truth of God's Word. I believe that Repentance in necessary for Salvation. I do not believe that good works, being a good person can get anyone into Heaven, nor can a person buy there way into God's Heaven. All must come though the narrow gate for the sheep, which is Jesus Christ himself. Salvation is by grace through faith, and no one can earn their own way in.

I believe there things because God said these things in His Holy Word! Not because my Church told me I had to believe them. I believe there is but one mediator between God and Man, Jesus Christ is His Name, this comes right out of Scripture Itself. I am sure that AHA believes these same core doctrines straight out of Scripture.

We will NOT apologize however for speaking the truth of God's Word, for confronting those who promote the culture of death, or those who practice it. Nor will we apologize to those who are modern day pharisee's, who try to shut us down because we are Pro-Life. Catholics must realize that those who are Evangelicals have a different approach to confronting the abortion industry. Don't expect myself or any other abolitionist to stand around holding candle, and quietly pray. We are out on the street to confront sin, and preach the Gospel of Christ, and we will not be silent about it.

There will be NO peace or tranquility for those who murder unborn babies, then flush then down the toilet, or grind their remains up in garbage disposals before they wash them into the sewer system! We will work to expose evil so that it can no longer hide in the darkness. This is what God has called us to do, get back to work! DISMISSED!
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

What's Gone Wrong in the Church Today?

Read the above statement and tell me if it bothers you or not? It should! It should bother any professing follow of Jesus Christ. We have a huge moral and spiritual deficit in America, and it stems from the Church of Christ. 

How can we say we love God, and follow Jesus when our people are in the church are living is blatant sin? Our words make us sound as though we belong to Christ, but our actions deny him! Something is bad wrong with that type of Christianity, or maybe it's not really Christianity at all, but a pseudo-Christianity, a fake Christianity?

How can 200k so-called Christian women enter these death pits from Hell, and pay an educated hit-man with a medical license to kill their unborn child? How? How do you do that? How do you say you love Jesus yet murder what he has formed in your womb? I'm wondering if these people even think before they act? Or do they have truly have the Spirit of God residing in them?

What is wrong in the Church today that people can actually justify in their minds having another human being exterminated our of sheer convenience?  There must be a lack of spiritual and moral conviction in the souls of these individuals for them to commit such a sin as having an abortion? 

This points to the fact that at least half of the people sitting in the pews on Sunday morning are not really born-again, that many never truly came to repentance, and therefore are not saved. Not to say that some of these women were not born-again, but then how could they sacrifice their unborn child to Satan, and still say they love God?

There are many other issues that also point to the lack of conviction in the hearts of Church going American's, and many of them stem from the fact that the majority of our Churches are spiritually dead. In many cases the Spirit of God is absent in the worship services and the local church itself is powerless, and lifeless. 

Legalism is too blame for the majority of the malaise in the Church as a whole. Man-made religious rules and regulations have all but killed the power of the Gospel in many Churches. Church goers are bored, the younger generations have become turned off too Church, and Christianity, and took off for greener pastures. 

Churches are closing their doors left and right, Christianity is on the decline in America, and so the salt is loosing it's saltiness more every day. Soon the American Church will be absolutely good for nothing, and God will have to dispose of it. The light is going out in the old lighthouse, once it goes out, it may never be lit again.

Abortion Kills an Unborn Human Being!

While God is able to forgive the sin of murder, no one who call's themselves a Christian should be taking part in it. Please decide whose side you are on, and what you truly believe, as it does make a difference. Those who still have convictions ought to be speaking out, and preaching the truth to those who lack. The Church needs to woken up on the issue of abortion, where God stands on the issue, and start holding fellow Christians accountable for their actions.

Any Christian that goes to one of these abortion mills ought to be going only to picket, and counsel other women not to go through with the abortion, but instead finish the job they helped start. Pastors need to address this issue from their pulpits, and make sure the people understand that there is NO excuse for having an abortion.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Abortion - Slavery by Another Name

Slavery, the trafficking of human beings for profit has existed globally for thousands of years. It is nothing new, too demote the human state of another too levels that of mere animals. Turning human beings into commodities to be marketed, bought, and now is viewed by civilized societies, such as the United States as being inhumane, and even reprehensible.

Yet slavery still exists within modern societies, and in many forms, some of which are not as recognizable as previous forms. This due to the propaganda of a few, the smoke screen created to mask the evil, even make it palatable too the minds of the masses, so that evil can continue unencumbered.

We here a lot of about human trafficking these day's. Young women taken and forced into the sex trade against their will. This practice is of course something reprehensible that should be stopped. The perpetrators severely punished for their crimes against humanity, and the victims set free from their dark prisons.

We here about rescuing animals from abusive situations. Whole TV shows have been created and dedicated to exposing us to the evils of abusive pet owners. TV ad's created by the ASPCA show pictures of cute little doggies, and kitties that have been abused, and/or neglected. They make us want to cry, and act to save them from their torment.

There is another evil that many have made up excuses for. This evil continues at the expense of the innocent. They are used to make incredible profits for a certain group of people, just as in sex trafficking, the child porn industry, etc.

We all agree that making blacks into slaves, abusing them, and forcing them to do hard labor was wrong. Those who held slaves in a past century were able to justify their ownership of slaves. Many slave owners were also devoutly religious, yet they justified in their own minds the right to own slaves. Slavery of course was abolished in this nation, and rightly so. Yet there is another form of slavery that is prevalent in our society just as sinister, and evil, yet justified in the minds of many as being their right.

All it takes is for one group of individuals to justify that another group needs to be controlled, and/or does not deserve to live. They then too spread propaganda throughout the land in order to convince others that their viewpoint is correct, and they ought to support it. A stronger group of people harnessing a weaker group in order to have control over it, and turn them into a profit making opportunity. This is slavery!

Of course the evil I speak of today that is still in existence is that of abortion, oh yes abortion. The destruction of the most innocent and helpless, our unborn children, and this industry is big business. Consider for a moment how abortion in America became a legal practice, and how the human mind left to it's own devises can justify just about any atrocity it can imagine.

Did you know that many US companies use parts of the remains of unborn babies to create the products we use every day. Tell me how this is different that using a black man to pick cotton in the burning heat until he dies from it, or you kill him another way? Why is one from abusing human beings OK, and the other is not? A profit is a profit is it not?

You would oppose dogs being used of dog fighting? Or you would rescue a greyhound from the slaughter after he is no longer usable as racing dog, or a horse? OR people save puppies from filthy puppy mills, but many of you will not raise a finger to rescue an unborn human from being slaughtered? You have bought into the propaganda, and believe it's a womans right! And your dead wrong!

To those who fell passionate about sex trafficking, animal rights, and other causes yet justify the slaughter of innocent unborn babies I say this, Hypocritical lately??

They make us watch pictures of abused animals on TV, yet when someone attempts to show a picture of what abortion does to a helpless baby, they scream for censorship. What's a matter? Can't face the truth? You people have NO problem saving cute little animals, or carrying the water for the poor people in Ethiopia! But you refuse to see the light when it comes to saving the unborn from certain death!


You liberals cry about all the hypocrites in the Church, why don't look in the mirror for a change? Have you NO convictions? Are you really that blind? What will it take to open your eye's? Former abortion workers have testified that these babies feel the pain, and it got to the point where they could not do it anymore.
You would feel compassion for a black man being whipped, a horse being kicked, or a puppy kept in a small cage in deplorable conditions, but yet you justify the murder of the unborn?

How can you live with yourself?


How can you live with yourself knowing what if taking place within a few miles from your home, or your place of worship, or place of employment?

I think it is time for abortion to be abolished in America. For this barbaric practice to cease, and the unborn to receive the same equal treatment under the law that everyone else receives. Enough of your excuses! Enough of your justifying evil, and calling it good! Enough is Enough!
Abortion, is slavery by another name, in another form.

No more!

Saturday, May 4, 2013



Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk! Here is a chance to put your faith into action, and make a difference along with others who share the same passion. The unborn have the same civil rights as everyone else, and the truth is that abortion is actually illegal in many states. Yet the barbaric practice continues, and the money rolls in as more than 3K unborn babies are murdered in America's abortuaries every day, and then their remains are violated for profit. The truth about what is taking place will make you sick, literally! It's time to abolish abortion in America!

If interested send us a message, or contact us via Facebook. There are abortion abolitionist society's all across the country, and they are looking for people to volunteer, and join the cause. Just like William Wilberforce  you can be an abolitionist! Realize that this is not a fad we are taking part in. We are serious about this cause, and it is worth any and all the struggle necessary to end the barbaric practice of abortion.

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What is the Abortion Abolition Society All About

The Abortion Abolition Society of West Michigan is a group of everyday people who are committed to abolishing abortion, so that every American, whether born or unborn is treated with the same equality, and allowed too live free and prosperous lives.

We believe that the dehumanization of any group of human beings is wrong, and sinful. That all men are created equal by their creator God, and have certain inalienable rights that include Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Just as with slavery the unborn have been discounted because they are innocent, and helpless, and unable to defend themselves. Just like with black slaves, they are used to make some people incredible profit.

The unborn have been unfairly dehumanized by certain persons within our society, murdered by various abortive techniques, and used to create great financial gain for those working within the abortion industry. Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of the most innocent among us. How so many Americans can sit idly by and do nothing is beyond comprehension?

The body parts are being harvested and used to create all kinds of things that you and I use on a daily basis. If people actually knew what was taking place right under their noses, they would become ill. It's enough to make you want to vomit when you are shown the evidence of what is happening in America. Nationally known companies are profiting off the suffering of others. The Blood money is running high into the coffers of those who disrespect human life, and kill for profit.

We will work until every evil deed of theirs has been exposed, until the abortion of the innocent has been abolished forever. We will educate others till they understand why abortion is wrong, and must be stopped. We will lay down our very lives if necessary to win the freedom of the unborn, who deserve to live!

We are evangelical in our approach! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is what ultimately changes peoples lives, and changes their way of thinking. Many involved in the abortion industry are involved in Satanism, and consider aborting babies to be a ritual of child sacrifice required by their religion. They have openly admitted this, and have no inclination to stop their practice. This is why our Christian faith must be part of what we do, and we do not go lightly into the battle, we go armed with the Holy Spirit, and the Truth of God's Word.

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