Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Abolitionists as Missionaries of Mercy

There are two sides of abolitionism, Agitation, and Assistance. Or shall we say Confronting Evil, and Showing Mercy?  One the front side we confront evil with the truth, and preach the divisive message of the Gospel, and on the other side we reach out with the love of God to those who have either had an abortion and need help, or those that have chosen not to go through with the abortion, and need help.

Our Lord Jesus always displayed mercy to those he came in contact with, and called people to repentance before God, and too turn and follow him. Christ gave the Church marching orders to "preach the Gospel to every living creature" and too "Make disciples of all nations".  The Christian Church has spent millions of dollars sending missionaries to Africa, and too other remote places around the globe, and that is a good thing.

The sad thing is that they have neglected to love their pre-born neighbors, and reach out to the hurting in their own locale. While many local bodies do reach out locally, often they ignore the fact that just down the street there is an abortion clinic where the innocent are killed for profit. Many Christians will claim to be Pro-Life but they have done nothing too help end the evil of abortion, in fact most are very apathetic, and don't want to get involved.

Abolition is simply Christianity applied too the Culture, it is faith being put into action, and we know that faith without works is dead according to the Word of God. Abolitionists believe that Abolition is the work of the Evangelical Church, it is fulfilling the commands of Christ Jesus. We believe that if every Pastor and Congregations would rise up and do the work of Abolition that abortion would be abolished in this land.

We agitate by standing out in public with our AHA shirts & signs, designed to get a rise out of people. We confront their conscious's with bits of truth, and we speak the truth of God to them. We do this not because we hate people, but because we love them, and want them to change their hearts and minds on the issue of abortion. We confront Church people and prick their hearts so that they break away from the apathy they have lived in far too long.

We Assist by showing the love of God and showing mercy to men and women directly affected by abortion. We steer them towards the help they need. Our prayer is that they find healing & reconciliation, and forgiveness in Christ Jesus. We also help women who decide not to have an abortion and ask for help. We send them to the nearest pregnancy resource center where they can get free assistance.

We reach out to people with the Gospel of Jesus because we are commanded by Jesus to do this, and because it is the one thing that transforms hearts and lives. The Abolitionist is indeed a missionary to the culture, the culture of death. The Scripture say's that God has in fact given his people the ministry of showing mercy to others, we are too do what is just, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

After all, God has showed us love by sending Christ to be our substitute on the cross, taking all the wrath we justly deserved, and showing us mercy by not holding our sins against us. In Jesus Christ we are totally free in that God will never count any of our sin against us ever. So it is only right that we reach out to those in our society that have made mistakes, even the sin of abortion, and show them the mercy that has been afforded to us.

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