Friday, May 31, 2013

Abortion - Slavery by Another Name

Slavery, the trafficking of human beings for profit has existed globally for thousands of years. It is nothing new, too demote the human state of another too levels that of mere animals. Turning human beings into commodities to be marketed, bought, and now is viewed by civilized societies, such as the United States as being inhumane, and even reprehensible.

Yet slavery still exists within modern societies, and in many forms, some of which are not as recognizable as previous forms. This due to the propaganda of a few, the smoke screen created to mask the evil, even make it palatable too the minds of the masses, so that evil can continue unencumbered.

We here a lot of about human trafficking these day's. Young women taken and forced into the sex trade against their will. This practice is of course something reprehensible that should be stopped. The perpetrators severely punished for their crimes against humanity, and the victims set free from their dark prisons.

We here about rescuing animals from abusive situations. Whole TV shows have been created and dedicated to exposing us to the evils of abusive pet owners. TV ad's created by the ASPCA show pictures of cute little doggies, and kitties that have been abused, and/or neglected. They make us want to cry, and act to save them from their torment.

There is another evil that many have made up excuses for. This evil continues at the expense of the innocent. They are used to make incredible profits for a certain group of people, just as in sex trafficking, the child porn industry, etc.

We all agree that making blacks into slaves, abusing them, and forcing them to do hard labor was wrong. Those who held slaves in a past century were able to justify their ownership of slaves. Many slave owners were also devoutly religious, yet they justified in their own minds the right to own slaves. Slavery of course was abolished in this nation, and rightly so. Yet there is another form of slavery that is prevalent in our society just as sinister, and evil, yet justified in the minds of many as being their right.

All it takes is for one group of individuals to justify that another group needs to be controlled, and/or does not deserve to live. They then too spread propaganda throughout the land in order to convince others that their viewpoint is correct, and they ought to support it. A stronger group of people harnessing a weaker group in order to have control over it, and turn them into a profit making opportunity. This is slavery!

Of course the evil I speak of today that is still in existence is that of abortion, oh yes abortion. The destruction of the most innocent and helpless, our unborn children, and this industry is big business. Consider for a moment how abortion in America became a legal practice, and how the human mind left to it's own devises can justify just about any atrocity it can imagine.

Did you know that many US companies use parts of the remains of unborn babies to create the products we use every day. Tell me how this is different that using a black man to pick cotton in the burning heat until he dies from it, or you kill him another way? Why is one from abusing human beings OK, and the other is not? A profit is a profit is it not?

You would oppose dogs being used of dog fighting? Or you would rescue a greyhound from the slaughter after he is no longer usable as racing dog, or a horse? OR people save puppies from filthy puppy mills, but many of you will not raise a finger to rescue an unborn human from being slaughtered? You have bought into the propaganda, and believe it's a womans right! And your dead wrong!

To those who fell passionate about sex trafficking, animal rights, and other causes yet justify the slaughter of innocent unborn babies I say this, Hypocritical lately??

They make us watch pictures of abused animals on TV, yet when someone attempts to show a picture of what abortion does to a helpless baby, they scream for censorship. What's a matter? Can't face the truth? You people have NO problem saving cute little animals, or carrying the water for the poor people in Ethiopia! But you refuse to see the light when it comes to saving the unborn from certain death!


You liberals cry about all the hypocrites in the Church, why don't look in the mirror for a change? Have you NO convictions? Are you really that blind? What will it take to open your eye's? Former abortion workers have testified that these babies feel the pain, and it got to the point where they could not do it anymore.
You would feel compassion for a black man being whipped, a horse being kicked, or a puppy kept in a small cage in deplorable conditions, but yet you justify the murder of the unborn?

How can you live with yourself?


How can you live with yourself knowing what if taking place within a few miles from your home, or your place of worship, or place of employment?

I think it is time for abortion to be abolished in America. For this barbaric practice to cease, and the unborn to receive the same equal treatment under the law that everyone else receives. Enough of your excuses! Enough of your justifying evil, and calling it good! Enough is Enough!
Abortion, is slavery by another name, in another form.

No more!

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