So you don't feel that abolitionism is your calling, and that only a few special people are called by God to do this work, well your dead wrong! It is the duty of every believer to get out and share their faith with others, just as it is the duty of every believer to oppose evil, and expose it!
Jesus issued the Great Commission, was it a mere suggestion that we should go out into the world and preach the Gospel? No! It was a direct command from Christ himself. Another command Christ gave was to love God with all of our heart, soul & mind, and too love our neighbor as yourself. What we as abolitionists are saying is, isn't the pre-born child your neighbor also?
This is why we say that the Church has not failed to be pro-life, but it's failed too be Christian, in that the Church has failed to love it's pre-born neighbor as she ought too have. It is true that the Christian Church has largely ignored the plight of the pre-born. One Sunday morning per year they dedicate to talking about the evil of abortion, and many pull the lever in the voting booth for so-called pro-life candidates, but thats are far as it goes for most to them.
That little bit of lip service is not enough! The Church must be fully engaged in the battle between the forces of darkness that control the abortion industry, as well as the homosexual agenda, and other ungodly groups. Because these things are controlled by demonic forces, and we are called to stand up and fight this them.
The Scripture tells us that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the dark rulers of this evil world. So why do most Christians today ignore these things, and go on living in comfort like it does not matter?
The Church in the West is a luke-warm country club, where those who claim to know Christ go too get fed the Word of God, and then they leave out for the nearest restaurant to feed their big far stomachs, and go home and take naps. There is NO real spiritual power in the modern day Church today! I am pretty sure that the majority of professing Christians today are not truly saved to begin with. They have the look, feel, and sound of Christianity, but when it comes to actually living out the Gospel on a daily basis, they fall way short.
Are you one of these type of Christians? I hope not!
Do you have a burden for lost souls? Do you hate your own sin enough to address it with God on a regular basis, before you address any else sin? Do you hate abortion (Child-Sacrifice) enough to do something about it? Are you sick of the spiritually powerless Christianity?
Join our movement! Be an agent of Revival by helping us confront the apathy in the Church! Be a prophet of protest, standing up against the evil of abortion in our culture of death. Obey the Commands of Christ Jesus! Help us Abolish Human Abortion
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