Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Apathy (Photo credit: Toban B.)

Religious Traditions tend to go hand in hand with Legalism! Legalism in the Church has destroyed the Church, and made the Gospel of Jesus on NO effect in the lives of thousands of Churchians in West Michigan, and throughout this nation.
The Church is full of sin! Every kind of immoral practice has found it's way into our Churches, and because Church leadership does not confront sin, nor even preach against it, it spreads throughout the entire body. God tells us that a "little yeast spoils the whole batch". Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Witchcraft, and other sin is rampant in our Churches, even in West Michigan!

Religious Traditions tend to go hand in hand with Legalism! Legalism in the Church has destroyed the Church, and made the Gospel of Jesus on NO effect in the lives of thousands of Churchians in West Michigan, and throughout this nation. 

The Church is full of sin! Every kind of immoral practice has found it's way into our Churches, and because Church leadership does not confront sin, nor even preach against it, it spreads throughout the entire body. God tells us that a "little yeast spoils the whole batch". Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Witchcraft, and other sin is rampant in our Churches, even in West Michigan!

Therefore the Churches are spiritually dead! Believers are full of apathy! There are many in our Churches that are actually lost, and not a part from the Body of Christ! Therefore the witness of the Gospel is weak and powerless, and those who are saved live apathetic, defeated lives because they lack the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is why the Church is under-fire now from the radical left, too accept homosexuality, and gay marriage, or else! Many Churches have caved in and turned away from God's Word and embraced this sin, in order to accommodate, wicked people in their congregations, instead of preaching unto them, the Gospel of Christ, and showing them how Christ can change them.

Finding passionate Evangelical Christians to become abolitionists, and work with us to abolish human abortion is like hunting for a needle in a haystack. People who will actually step out and do something for God are few and far between, I have too be a part time dentist and pull peoples teeth to get them involved in the work of God.

Surely we are living in the Very Last Day's, and we are seeing the Great Falling Away from the Truth of God's Word!

The Church in West Michigan needs to Repent!

Repent of it's apathy towards the things of God, and it's apathy toward the the plight of the Pre-born. Like the German Church-Goers most have looked the other way while little helpless babies are ripped apart in their mothers wombs, with no mercy shown them whatsoever. Just because we can't hear them scream in pain, does not mean that they are not screaming, they are!  

Their blood is on our hands as we have sat by living our own comfortable lives. Our Air Conditioned homes, cars, and Church Buildings keep us happy, and safe. While the most dangerous place for a child is their mothers womb, which God created to be a safe place.                     
Satan the Master of Deception has not only created himself an dark altar on which the Pre-born are sacrificed daily too him, he has deceived the elect into doing nothing about the lost, or the unborn. The Devil has invaded our Churches and they are nothing more than whitewashed tombs full of the bones of dead men.
The Church needs to Repent!  NOW! 

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