Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Battling Lame Excuses from a Luke Warm Church

It is clear that the Holy Scripture, God's Inspired Word, gives ample proof that those who call themselves Christians, or Followers of Jesus Christ, have a duty before God to stand against evil that is entrenched is our society.

So many Church-Going Christians feel that it is not their calling to do anything real about abortion, but they are dead wrong. They feel that voting pro-life, and believing that abortion is wrong is enough, but they are dead wrong. Either the majority of Church-Going Christians are just really that ignorant, or they are that lazy, apathetic, and luke-warm having lost all their salt & light.

I fear however that many of them are not truly born-again because they exhibit no real fruit for the Kingdom of God. Most do not read or study their Bibles, or have any real prayer life except for a short token prayer before each meal. Their mouths talk a good religious talk, they may exhibit a walk in certain areas, but their hearts are far from God, or they just do not obey the Word of God.

Christians are commanded in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to "Demolish arguments that set them up against the knowledge of God...."     Christians are commanded in Eph. 5:11 to "Have nothing to do with their deeds of darkness, but rather expose them..."   In Psalms 94:16 - "Who will rise up for me against the wicked, who will take a stand for me against evildoers?".  How much more proof do we need to see?

Abortion is in fact Child Sacrifice unto Satan. It is a hideous practice that those involved in the occult love because they consider it to be part of their religion, a blood sacrifice. So tell me how can anyone who names the Name of Jesus Christ go down and have the life of their pre-born child brutally ended? How can those who name the Name of Christ begin to justify the bloody practice of human abortion? So called Pro-Choice Christians? Pro-Choice is not Christian, it is paganism!

Just like the pulpits in Nazi Germany Americas pulpits are mostly void, and silent on the sin of abortion. We have an untold number of cowards in our pulpits that will not speak out, and so the Churches are full of cowards also. How will you stand before God and give account for your silence, and inaction towards this evil?  When Jesus say's "for as much as you did not do it unto the least of these my little brothers, you did not do it unto me"  It will be too late for you to rise up then!

The modern American Church has become the fat, rich, & spoiled on the fat of the land. We have become fattened as it were, is preparation for the slaughter. Christians love their creature comforts, and do not like their fine feathered nests disturbed. When they are disturbed they fly out like a swarm of angry hornets. Like the nation of Israel the American Church kills it's Prophets.

You who work, and those who give the local PRC's and CPC's.  Do you think that your monetary contribution somehow excuses you from taking action against evil yourself?  It does not!  You are still called and commanded to "Rescue those who are being taken away to death..."   Do you think that this is a mere suggestion? Are you that dense as too think that it does not include you, mark my words, it certainly does include you!

The Abolitionist Movement has a goal and a plan to abolish abortion, but we cannot do it without millions of our brothers and sisters being on board. We are accused by church-goers of many things, including being hate-mongers, and other nasty things. We endure these things for the sake of Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and for the lives of the pre-born, and the mothers & fathers.

We implore all who read this article, whose hearts are stirred by the Holy Spirit to do something real about abortion, and too take a stand against this entrenched evil in our society, as the Lord has commanded His people to do. Too join us in radical obedience the Word of God.  If nothing changes in the Church very soon, surely judgement will fall upon her because of her sin, the sins of silence, and apathy in the face of pure evil. I remind you that judgement begins in the House of God, not with the outside world.

I ask you brethren, Where is your Salt? Where is your Light?

Please consider joining the abolition movement - www.abolishhumanabortion.org

Also - www.churchrepent.org


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