Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why Christian Pro-Lifers Need to Get Over Themselves

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...
Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most people who are involved in the Pro-Life/Anti-abortion movement are Christian folks who believe in God, the Bible, and the Right to Life for every individual, whether born, or unborn. These are the same type of people that stood against slavery, and other injustices throughout history where human beings were not treated as human beings, and the law of the land came into direct conflict with the Word of God.

Christians also believe that people are created in the image of God per the book of Genesis, and that because of this, we are created different than the animals, and birds, etc. Human beings have a soul, they are eternal beings, yet the body they spend their lives on earth in, is only a temporary body. They also believe that God has a plan for every person's life, and he knows there name while they are still being formed in their mothers womb.

Most Pro-lifers will agree on these basic things, and most agree that abortion needs to be stopped. What they lack is the physical means to make it happen, mostly because of some schisms between Pro-Life groups. A member of one Pro-Life group made some comments about some others that has caused a great backlash in the movement, now some Pro-Lifers, mainly Catholic's, won't work with this particular group, and the attacks made by Catholic Pro-lifers have not been all that Christian either.

Why I personally understand why this fellow was saying in regards to Catholics is popular among Protestants, and some Evangelicals who disagree with the Catholic Churches teachings, voicing such opinions causes great division among Pro-Lifer's and hurts the overall movement because it weakens and divides people. People who would otherwise stand shoulder to shoulder fighting the evil of abortion.

Why there are differences in doctrine, and church teachings between different groups, but when it comes to ending abortion on demand, those differences must be set aside for the greater cause. Now I do not know if something happened on the street that started this whole mess, but two wrongs don't make a right, and AHA should issue an apology for offending the Catholics.

Why am I adamant about this issue?  First off, it hurts the overall movement be causing necessary division, and secondly it cuts off the line of communication between Catholics, and Evangelicals. If you feel that strongly that Catholics are wrong, and are involved in idolatry, then don't offend them, but show them grace, and kindness, and maybe some of them will come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus while your all out on the street ministering.

These people are as much your mission field as any woman walking into an abortion clinic. Would Jesus lash out with unkind words, or would he love them enough to call them to repentance? Jesus always showed love and compassion, except to the religious rulers of His day who continued to question him in hopes of trapping him, so they could take him out and kill him. Jesus always showed the way to the Father in Heaven, and it was always through him. In the same way those who stand up and preach the truth today are maligned by those who are religious, but have no relationship with God through Christ.

We cannot win the war against the slaughter of the unborn if we are divided, because a house divided cannot stand. Pride in fact is a great sin, and it cometh before a fall according to Scripture. There is NO room for egomaniacs on the front lines, we must remain humble before God, and men. Humility is what is needed here, on both sides of this schism.

I absolutely believe in preaching the truth of God's Word. I believe that Repentance in necessary for Salvation. I do not believe that good works, being a good person can get anyone into Heaven, nor can a person buy there way into God's Heaven. All must come though the narrow gate for the sheep, which is Jesus Christ himself. Salvation is by grace through faith, and no one can earn their own way in.

I believe there things because God said these things in His Holy Word! Not because my Church told me I had to believe them. I believe there is but one mediator between God and Man, Jesus Christ is His Name, this comes right out of Scripture Itself. I am sure that AHA believes these same core doctrines straight out of Scripture.

We will NOT apologize however for speaking the truth of God's Word, for confronting those who promote the culture of death, or those who practice it. Nor will we apologize to those who are modern day pharisee's, who try to shut us down because we are Pro-Life. Catholics must realize that those who are Evangelicals have a different approach to confronting the abortion industry. Don't expect myself or any other abolitionist to stand around holding candle, and quietly pray. We are out on the street to confront sin, and preach the Gospel of Christ, and we will not be silent about it.

There will be NO peace or tranquility for those who murder unborn babies, then flush then down the toilet, or grind their remains up in garbage disposals before they wash them into the sewer system! We will work to expose evil so that it can no longer hide in the darkness. This is what God has called us to do, get back to work! DISMISSED!
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