Evil is thriving in America and in our Churches. Sin has been tolerated far too long and now we are reaping the fruits of our spiritual apathy and silence. Now we watch as evil people take our nation farther down the slippery slope than we ever imagined it would go. Now it's not enough to kill an innocent child in the early stages of their development in the womb, or in the second trimester, now they are passing laws in some states to kill the children up to end of the third trimester when they are ready to be born, or even after birth.
Wickedness abounds because the Church has lost its salt & light and very few followers of Jesus dare to speak out or do anything to end the slaughtering on the innocent. It has been stated that "evil thrives when good men do nothing" and this holds true among Christians also. How will we stand before a Holy God and how shall we explain that we did very little to end the holocaust against the pre-born / unborn?
Too many professing believers still believe that abortion serves a purpose in society or that it is a Constitutional Right and so we cannot do anything about it. Both are false and wrong thinking. What we call abortion is no ones right and does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. In fact, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution say the opposite and many have bought into the lies of Satan and become cauterized in their hearts and lukewarm in their faith.
We are warned in Scripture that in the Last Days many will fall away from the faith and become lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God. Too many professing Christians love themselves more than they love God and have become so used to compromise they don't care anymore. They may say that abortion is wrong but that is as far as they go, they will not become engaged in the fight for the lives of the pre-born because they are too comfortable.
God has not called us to be comfortable or happy. God has called his people to be Holy!
The next generation of millennials will bring us the mass misery of socialism and what we have known as far as our liberties will be gone unless we who profess to know Christ change our ways quickly. The next generation cares nothing about God or the Bible, believes in science and climate change. Believes that abortion is a right and that women should be able to have their children killed if they want to. This nation is in big big trouble unless we turn back to God now!
The Church is the key to ending the killing spree that began in 1973 when the Supreme Court of the United States decided to allow child killing under the law. The Court clearly misinterpreted the law and made an erroneous decision that caused the deaths of Sixty-Five Million Plus Children. The High Court has lots of innocent blood on their hands but they might be able to atone for this miscarriage of the law.
Again, Sen. Rand Paul has brought before the Congress a bill that would protect the pre-born from the point of conception thru birth and ensure them the equal access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness under the law that the rest of us have enjoyed for a long time.
Abortion just like Slavery needs to be abolished so that children are again viewed as being protected persons and afforded the same rights as everyone else.