I have come to the conclusion that there is a spirit of apathy that has fallen upon today's professing Christians and it has dulled their sense of Biblical morality to the point where they give it lip and mind service but do not obey God's Word and go and do it. The modern day Church is full of people involved in various forms of immorality, and greed. Legalism abounds and has sucked the spiritual life right out of our Churches and thus we lack the power of God.
The pulpits are not on fire with righteousness in many of our Churches. They may preach the Bible but do not preach the Gospel, and nobody is getting saved in many Churches today. Pastors are more concerned about keeping the people pacified so they keep putting money in the plate then they are with preaching righteousness and sexual purity.
Many professing Christians believe that abortion is wrong and kills a tiny human being but yet they think that abortion is ok under certain circumstances. Some have bought into the lie that it is a woman's choice and a woman's body so we must stay out of it and let them decide. The problem with this train of thought is that the child growing inside her body has his/her own body, his/her own heart, blood, bowel movements, and often has a different blood type than the mother does.
Those to propagate abortion on demand have done so out of sheer hatred for minority people groups. Margret Sanger hated blacks and other minorities and wanted to exterminate them by means of killing them before they could be born. She marketed abortion as the responsible thing to do and that having large families was immoral and evil. She was a student of Adolf Hitler, an avowed socialist and a bi-sexual. She also was into the occult which ought to send up a red flag to many people.
Sanger also hated the Catholic Church and Christianity in general. She hired black ministers to convince their flocks that abortion as birth control and was the right thing for them to do. Sanger intended that abortion would, in fact, be used to undermine the moral authority of the Christian Church.
The Church is responsible today for the continuation of abortion which in essence is child sacrifice unto Satan. Far too many professing Christians have been caught at abortion mills not to witness to the lost and call out to women not to kill their babies, but they are there to have their own children killed while claiming to know Christ.
How can this be? The pulpits are silent! Too many preachers are cowards and won't tackle this issue for fear of losing parishioners or losing their jobs. The fear of mankind is keeping Church leadership from preaching against the sin of abortion and calling for the Church to rise up and enact abolition of abortion.
I am afraid that the large portion of the modern day Church has given itself over to compromise and the Satan has them stuck in the mire of apathy so that they don't want to lift and finger to do anything about anything. I wonder then how many Church people are truly born-again, and how many are not? Seems very few have a real passion for reaching the lost and the same has a passion for ending abortion, the rest could care less. Could it be that the true Church is but a remnant embedded within the modern day Church at large?
Church people get angry when confronted with the truth of abortion and when called to join the movement to abolish it, they don't think abolition is necessary or it is not their calling. I have been attacked, insulted, and maligned by people from my own church for standing up and calling them to the work of abolition. People who do such things like this are convicted and involved in some type of sin and don't want to change.
Who are any of us that we should compromise on the lives and blood of any other human being for the explicit reason that we are all bear the image of God and therefore are set apart from every other creature on earth? The pre-born child from the moment of conception must be protected under the law, The Bill of Rights declares it that we all have certain unalienable rights and among them are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
How to light a fire under the masses of Churchgoers in America? We all must be broken before God and in humility cry out to him to be cleansed, and to send us revival. Abolition will never happen unless we get enough revived believers to rise up and demand the abolition of abortion. Please understand that what I write here I write in the spirit of love for others and for God. I pray we will see the abolition of abortion happen in this land, only then will America be great again.