Saturday, August 6, 2016

Overthrowing Arguments and the Tearing Down of Idols

2 Cor. 10:4 & 5 - " The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. Overthrowing arguments, and every high thing lifting itself up against the knowledge of God, and taking captive every thought into the obedience of Christ,"

Let's be real OK?  Abortion, the murdering (sacrificing) of a child, a tiny human being living and developing inside his or her mother's womb, is wrong, even evil and most Church going Christians would acknowledge that abortion is a terrible thing that we don't approve of, but what have they done to end it?

Abortion is evil, it is wrong, it is a sin. So why is abortion still being practiced in a nation where we are supposedly free and have the inalienable right to life?  Could it be that the Church was duped into supporting abortion at least in certain circumstances? Or maybe the majority of professing Christians just don't feel as though they can do anything to stop it so they don't try?

Let me explain why this is a fallacy, that the Church of Jesus Christ has a duty to confront the arguments that society makes to justify the bloody practice of child sacrifice (abortion) as well as put and end to the practice. Why? Because abortion and every argument justifying it is set up against the knowledge of God and was intended to undermine the moral and spiritual authority of the Christian Church in America.

Margret Sanger stated " 
"Birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian Churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free someday of the tyranny of Christianity no less than Capitalism."

Margret Sanger was a socialist and hated Christianity, the Church, and Capitalism. She also hated minorities and wanted to control their populations by encouraging them to come and sacrifice their offspring. She hired black ministers to instruct their congregations that abortion touted as the ultimate form of birth control was a good and responsible thing to do, to kill their children while in the womb. 

The Christian Church fell prey to the demand of a Godless society and stood by while wickedness spread like a wildfire.  Evolution in Creationism out of the schools along with prayer and the Ten Commandments. Christians just stand by shaking their heads saying to themselves that there is nothing they can do to stop it. Prayer became  a last resort instead of the first line of combat against wickedness in high places, and the Church became spiritually weak as the Devil's children became politically stronger and stronger.

Now the Church stands bewildered as their faith and values are getting steamrolled in the public square, and the halls of Government.  We have two main choices for who we can elect as our next President and neither of them are good choices.  There are not enough righteous men and women left to vote into office a righteous man to lead this nation, so the Church again compromises on Biblical values in order to elect the lesser of two evils instead of looking for a righteous man to support.

This is just another example of a long list failures we have to thank ourselves for. If we lived and voted by what we claim to believe things would be much different than they are today. We still have an open window of opportunity but we need to radically change now or else we may be toast. There are deep rooted spiritual issues in the Church that need to be dealt with but who will stand up and start running the moneychangers out of the temple (so to speak)?

We are called to Tear down every argument that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and to destroy every idol in our lives that stands between us and God. We are to engage the culture with the truth and evangelize the lost and this is what abolitionists do when they go out and stand in front of abortion clinics and on street corners proclaiming the truth.  People don't like what we stand for including those within the Church who claim to know Christ. 

Modern Day Churchians are more interested in Health and Wealth, Acts of Social Justice, and laying up for themselves disaster supplies in case an EMP hits and knocks out the power grid instead of treasures in Heaven. The Church has all but given up it's right to speak out against evil in Society but it is their own fault for believing the lies of society.

Abortion is a SIN and no Bible Believing Follower of Jesus should be taking part in it, but many of them do because they are deceived in their minds and so not discern that abortion is in fact, sacrificing their own child to Satan.  Christians have fallen into the trap of "whatever is quick and expedient for me" in other words selfishness and loving the pleasures of life instead of loving God.

For many Churchians they just don't have the Spirit of God, to begin with, so they cannot discern righteousness from a brick wall.  When the Bible say's about the last days that everyone will do what is right in their own eyes is no joke. People are out for themselves even Christians and they don't comprehend that Christ called them to be radically different from the rest of Society and to set the spiritual and moral climate for society.

Christ Followers are called to 'die to self' in order to follow Christ, to lose their lives in order to find them but it is not an easy process, dying to self and being alive unto Christ.  Calling these people to repent is like blowing smoke into the wind, it just blows back in your face, it is useless. They don't really desire God or to know him, they just want a spiritual blast on Sunday and go out and live carnally the rest of the week.

Real and Radical Change is in order.  We must become broken over own sin in order for revival to take root in our lives, and in our Churches.  Before we can obtain legal abolition we must have millions of believers committed to seeing abolition take place, and with the state the modern day Church is in that is just not happening.  Therefore prayer and evangelism must take place within the Church before we can talk about abolition.

God will judge his Church before he judges the rest of society!

Now is the time to change to stand up to pray and cry out for the end of abortion. Will you join me!