Recently a couple videos surfaced before the nation exposing the truth that the abortion industry would rather nobody knew, that indeed they not only kill babies through the front door, but market their body parts, organs, and tissues through the back door. It's a game of money and politics and it's nothing new, they have been secretly doing this for years without the public even knowing it.
The abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood has never been concerned about what is legal, or moral. They have done whatever they want too at the tax payers expense despite the regulations passed to control them. They have high-priced attorney's that do their bidding so they can keep on killing little helpless human beings for profit. Liberals are already defending their right to sell these body parts just like they defend their right to sacrifice their children.
Conservatives are outraged to learn what is actually happening behind the closed doors of America's baby death houses. It is in fact against Federal law for them to sell tissues from murdered children, and it is illegal for them to alter the method of abortion in order to preserve the child's organs so they can harvest them, to sell them. However, no Law on the books will stop them as long as their is no enforcement of the law.
Abortion itself is absolutely hideous, and should never have been allowed to continue legally in this country for 43 years, let alone the selling of organs and tissues. If you think that defunding Planned Parenthood will make them stop guess again, they will just raise the price of the organs and tissues they sell, and the abortions they do. Regulating abortion has done nothing to abolish it, and never will.
You Christians out there who profess to know Jesus Christ as your Savior should be very ashamed that you have not stood up and abolished abortion long ago. You are all upset about PP selling baby parts yet you have tolerated legalized abortion, and now gay marriage also. Where in your Bible did God tell you to tolerate sin and evil? What were you told to do about these things, and why have you not done it?
Being upset about selling baby parts, but not about abortion itself is hypocritical as best, not to mention that many of you have gone and killed your own children at the clinics, and act of worship to the Devil. Do you not realize that they blood of those children resides on your hands?
Given that half of you who claim to be Christians and attend Church are not really even truly born-again explains how you could kill your own kids like that. You lack the indwelling Holy Spirit! You have not truly repented before God, and do not possess eternal life. Some of you are trusting in your own good works to save you, and you are very deceived individuals. Some of you are counting of you Church Membership, or your Baptism to get you into Heaven, and none of these things can save your soul from Hell.
You must come to a place of total repentance before God, admitting to Him that you have sinned before Him, and you are now turning your back on all sin, and turning to Jesus Christ for Salvation, trusting in His finished work on the cross as payment for your sin.
You must confess that Jesus in Lord, believing in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved! (Romans 10:9-10).
Lastly, you must ask God for the Free Gift (Pardon) that His Son Jesus purchased for you on the Cross with his own body and blood poured out for you. God will then send you the Holy Spirit to live inside of you, he will give you the very mind of Christ the Bible states. You will be a new creation in Christ Jesus, and God will begin to change you every day as you submit yourselves to Him.
No TRUE follower of Jesus Christ should ever have their children murdered at an abortion clinic. How could we do such a horrible thing knowing that our Children are an inheritance from the Lord, and who in their right mind destroys their own inheritance, but looks forward with great anticipation to receive it!
Freinds, Honestly, Abortion has only continued all these years with the permission of the Christian Church, and it will only end when the Church stands up and says "NO MORE!"
Now are you angry enough to Abolish Human Aboriton?