I'm trying to understand the reason why so many ministers of the Gospel are so gutless behind their pulpits?
Is it because they fear man? Preachers in the west have all kinds of excuses why they can not/will not speak out about evil in the culture, or even in their own Church. The pews are full on Sunday morning, but statistics tell us up to 50% are unsaved and do not have a real relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ.
Why are Pastors afraid of the hot button topics? If someone gets offended by something they said, what happens? Does this person leave the Church, or withhold their money from the offering plate. Do they send the Pastor an angry email or letter? Do they corner him afterward and rip him a new one? Are the Pastors afraid of getting run out of their churches? Is losing your job the worst thing that can happen?
Pastors are afraid of preaching on topics such as gay marriage, abortion, porn, sin, Hell, the wrath of God on sin, etc. After all, it is far easier to go the way of the world and accept what society dictates rather than stand up and preach righteousness and holiness. There are many cowards standing behind Americas pulpits today, and they rather teach on non-confrontational subjects, than stir up the comfy nests that many of their people have built for themselves.
Pastor Joel Osteen is recorded as saying that he will not preach about Hell, or the subject of sin because it might offend someone in his Church. What is he afraid of? that a few thousand people might get up and leave? That his offering plate might not be full enough to pay for His expensive ministry, and lifestyle? Maybe someone might actually get convicted by the Holy Spirit and repent of their sin?
Are Pastors afraid of the Church losing its precious non-profit status for speaking out against sin in the culture? It seems that they are protecting themselves, then preaching the truth of God's Word. They are not willing to lose themselves for Christ's sake, instead, they rather keep quiet, and tickle the ears of those who sit in the pews every week. Too many ministers do not engage their congregations in discussions about the sin of abortion, and other sins in the Church, because in doing so, they place themselves at risk.
Take a wild guess as too why the American society is in such a mess today? The Churches are filled with gutless Churchians who are more interested in isolating themselves from the culture, than obeying God's Word and going out and confronting sin in the culture. First, however, the sin within the Churches must be dealt with, then we can go out and shake things up in society.
Many have decided too leave the evangelism of the culture too someone else, leave it to the professional ministers. NO! Christ commanded ALL believers to go out and preach the Gospel, and too make disciples of ALL nations. Christ meant for His Church to be mobilized, not paralyzed!
The Church is asleep in the light while the world goes to Hell in a hand-basket. Where is the preserving work of the Salt, and the illuminating Light that the Church is supposed to be spreading throughout the culture? Churches send missionaries all over the globe but ignore their own locality. Babies are being dismembered near where you all worship, and you are oblivious to it! Oh but we support so-and-so in Africa. Big whoopie!
Maybe Churches need to lose their non-profit status in order to wake up!
Has the Church is the West become completely useless? Sometimes I wonder? Is the Salt and Light completely gone, or is there still some left? What will it take for the Church of Jesus Christ too be revived? Persecution? People are having their heads cut off very slowly, and painfully because of their love for Jesus Christ, and their commitment to him. America Christians can't wait for the service to be over with so they can beat other Church people in line at the Chick-Fil-A.
I think American Christianity is a joke!
Jesus told us that if we protect our own lives we would lose them, but if we lose our lives for His sake, we would find them. Obedience is better than sacrifice! So why are we worried about the Government, and your 501c3 status, when our concern should be penetrating the culture with the Gospel of Jesus, by whatever means possible. The Church seriously needs to lose its legalism and traditionalism, or it soon will be extinct.
Who really cares if people get mad and leave your Church! If they can't handle the truth, let them go for crying out loud! God will bring someone else to fill the spot vacated by them, It's time for them to hear the truth. Our Churches need purging of those who are false converts, the truth of God's Word usually does the trick. We make every attempt to evangelize them, but if they do listen and are causing problems then it's time to say goodbye to them.
The best thing that could happen in America is for the Church to lose its comfort, it's 501c3 status, for ministers to lose there be under fire, instead of their fluffy nests of comfort. I believe God is going to allow the heat to be turned up on Christians in America in order to clean out the Church and separate His true followers out from the false ones.
So to Hell with your 501c3 status, excuse my use of Biblical Terminology!
It's time for Preachers to Preach what needs to be preached, not what the people like hearing. If people are uncomfortable in the pew, then your preaching the truth Pastor, and God will honor you for it. Let the purging of the pews begin!
Repentance needs to come to the Church before revival can come. Repentance can't come until the Churchians are confronted with their sin, and called to repentance. When Pastors stop pussy-footing around with floury sermons that give people a nice warm fuzzy feeling and start preaching the sermons that make them sweat like pigs in the pews and squirm like worms, repentance will come and revival fill fall on the Church in America!
We need Preachers like Jonathan Edwards who preached a well-known sermon "Sinners in the hand of an Angry God". When Edwards preaching this sermon as many of you aware of, it is reported that people in the congregation literally were holding on hard to the pews, shaking, and weeping because the power of a Holy God was moving in that place that day.
Where is Jonathan Edwards in 2019?
Where are the Churches where the Power of God is moving for real, where men are shaking in the pews, and weeping over their own sin? The word REPENT means sorrow for your sins, and it also means turn from sin, thus turning to God, and our Savior Jesus Christ. Where is the Godly sorrow that brings repentance in our Churches? Where are the people weeping at the altar? Why do many so-called Christians have little concern for the lost, are they not even saved themselves?
To Hell with your 501c3!
To Hell with your comfortable buildings!
To Hell with your celebrations and festivals, and your corporate worship God may hate it anyway (Amos 5).
To Hell with those false shepherds who preach about health and wealth!
To Hell with all the false shepherds who will not preach the Truth for fear of offending somebody (Joel Osteen!)
Shame on the shepherds who do not speak out about sin in our culture, who enable those who do evil to continue in to do evil unobstructed! Go Preach the Gospel in the Streets, that's where the lost are!
Preachers Preach the Truth!
If someone is offended by it, they are likely living in sin, and hiding it? Have the guts to rebuke them to their face, and the grace to help them out of their sin, and restore them to fellowship. Lose the religious legalism that is destroying the Church! Preach the Truth in Love, but Preach the Truth, so that the Church can be the Church it was meant to be!
We will work to abolish human abortion using every tool available, in non-violent fashion. Our mission is too Promote Redemption, Not Destruction, too Do Justice, and Love Mercy as we boldly share the life transforming Gospel of Christ.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Another day, another senseless act of violence takes place, another young person with a gun opens fire in a public place, kills a bunch of innocent people, and we wonder why? What would cause them to do such a thing? What kind of sick person walks into a movie theater, or a military base and just opens fire on innocent civilians? What about the latest report of a child stabbing to death another child? Kid's killing other kids over tennis shoes, or over the color of clothing we are wearing.
We the public are appalled at these acts of violence, yet we fail to understand how we as a society created this monster. Yes we created this mess as a nation, and now we are reaping what we have sown, and we deserve what we are getting. I will attempt to explain how we did this, and will offer a solution, but you might not like what I have too say, so man up! women up! and prepare yourself for the truth because it's gonna hurt.
We are the American society are too blame, for we have cheapened human life to the point where those within our society, have no respect for themselves, their own lives, or the lives of others. This is because we allowed evolution to be taught in the schools, while creationism, and the Bible were pushed out under the guise of a false separation between Church and State. Teach a child that he comes from a monkey, and when he dies there is nothing to look forward too, no God, no Heaven, and no Hell.
Evolutionary theory robs mankind of his dignity as a being created in the image of God, with a purpose for his/her life. People are left to trust in the fallible theories of fallible man. Science becomes their gospel, and man becomes his own God, and the grave his final resting place. They are left with NO hope of an eternity, they are driven too fulfill their own lustful desires, and blinded by the hedonistic sub-culture they live in.
Legalized Abortion is the second thing that has cheapened our respect for human life by the systematic slaughter of the most innocent among us, the pre-born. Socialists have devised several smokescreens over the years, including 'a woman's right to choose' and 'It's my body', etc. These excuses, and others have been used to justify pure cold blooded murder by the millions since 1973. American is reaping the crops it has sown over the last 100 years or more, and it's not an easy fix to rectify the damage we have done to ourselves.
When any people group has there legal rights stripped from them, and this allowed for the pre-born to be dehumanized, as blacks were dehumanized in the past. It's safe to say that this nation has not learned much from it's past, and as a result is doomed to repeat it. This dehumanizing of the pre-born, and the subsequent slaughtering of them for profit send a message to the masses that human life is worthless, meaningless, and expendable. America creased to by truly free nation when it allowed the pre-born to be treated with complete disrespect, and their lives taken from them without mercy, and who has profited from the bloodshed? Those who have cultivated this culture of death, those on the left.
Evolution has robbed our children of their self worth and meaning for their lives, and abortion on demand has shown them that it is ok to kill anyone if you have a good excuse for it. Do you still wonder why today they are shooting and stabbing each other in the streets, and in our schools?
Rape is wrong for the very same reason abortion is. Both violate another persons body against the persons will. Murders are on the increase along with other types of violence, and the people sit back in horror watching their TV screens, wondering why these things are happening. They don't realize that they have helped create these problems by remaining mostly silent all these years why the socialists on the left invaded our schools, and our media, and filled it with harmful messages we wish never existed.
I appreciate people like Mohammed the Mortician who is speaking our against the black on black violence, trying to wake people up, and end the violence. His video messages are very blatant, and he does not mince words. But there is a root cause too all of this violence that needs addressing, and it starts with each and every American citizen taking a stand to stop the dehumanization of the pre-born, and the false messages being taught to our children to TV, and in the classroom.
America will not survive unless we wake up and we all step up and say enough is enough! We must end legalized abortion, and send the proper messages to our children that their lives are worth something, that they are special, and that there is a God who created them that has a plan for their lives. We Americans have created more than one generation of violent youth, with no regard for human life, or anyone else's property.
I have one more place to put blame on, the Churches and professing Christians who have remained mostly silent why 56 million pre-born paid with their blood for our comfortable lifestyles. If the Church has spoken out long ago, instead of helping Margret Sanger push her plan to exterminate their children, maybe Roe vs Wade would have never happened? We are our own worst enemies, and the sad thing is, we don't realize it.
The time has come for those who profess to know Christ to end their silence towards abortion, and for all Americans to rise up and begin to counteract the damage we have allowed to take place in our society. This may not sit well with some people, but it's the truth. The Gospel of Jesus has the power to change society! Only the Scripture gives us true meaning for our lives, and can revolutionize this nation, and turn it around. God forbid that we should ignore this issue, as it is America's only hope for survival.
So I call each American citizen back to the God of the Bible, back to the life changing Gospel of Jesus. I call each one of you too repentance, and salvation in Christ.
God Save America!
We the public are appalled at these acts of violence, yet we fail to understand how we as a society created this monster. Yes we created this mess as a nation, and now we are reaping what we have sown, and we deserve what we are getting. I will attempt to explain how we did this, and will offer a solution, but you might not like what I have too say, so man up! women up! and prepare yourself for the truth because it's gonna hurt.
We are the American society are too blame, for we have cheapened human life to the point where those within our society, have no respect for themselves, their own lives, or the lives of others. This is because we allowed evolution to be taught in the schools, while creationism, and the Bible were pushed out under the guise of a false separation between Church and State. Teach a child that he comes from a monkey, and when he dies there is nothing to look forward too, no God, no Heaven, and no Hell.
Evolutionary theory robs mankind of his dignity as a being created in the image of God, with a purpose for his/her life. People are left to trust in the fallible theories of fallible man. Science becomes their gospel, and man becomes his own God, and the grave his final resting place. They are left with NO hope of an eternity, they are driven too fulfill their own lustful desires, and blinded by the hedonistic sub-culture they live in.
Legalized Abortion is the second thing that has cheapened our respect for human life by the systematic slaughter of the most innocent among us, the pre-born. Socialists have devised several smokescreens over the years, including 'a woman's right to choose' and 'It's my body', etc. These excuses, and others have been used to justify pure cold blooded murder by the millions since 1973. American is reaping the crops it has sown over the last 100 years or more, and it's not an easy fix to rectify the damage we have done to ourselves.
When any people group has there legal rights stripped from them, and this allowed for the pre-born to be dehumanized, as blacks were dehumanized in the past. It's safe to say that this nation has not learned much from it's past, and as a result is doomed to repeat it. This dehumanizing of the pre-born, and the subsequent slaughtering of them for profit send a message to the masses that human life is worthless, meaningless, and expendable. America creased to by truly free nation when it allowed the pre-born to be treated with complete disrespect, and their lives taken from them without mercy, and who has profited from the bloodshed? Those who have cultivated this culture of death, those on the left.
Evolution has robbed our children of their self worth and meaning for their lives, and abortion on demand has shown them that it is ok to kill anyone if you have a good excuse for it. Do you still wonder why today they are shooting and stabbing each other in the streets, and in our schools?
Rape is wrong for the very same reason abortion is. Both violate another persons body against the persons will. Murders are on the increase along with other types of violence, and the people sit back in horror watching their TV screens, wondering why these things are happening. They don't realize that they have helped create these problems by remaining mostly silent all these years why the socialists on the left invaded our schools, and our media, and filled it with harmful messages we wish never existed.
I appreciate people like Mohammed the Mortician who is speaking our against the black on black violence, trying to wake people up, and end the violence. His video messages are very blatant, and he does not mince words. But there is a root cause too all of this violence that needs addressing, and it starts with each and every American citizen taking a stand to stop the dehumanization of the pre-born, and the false messages being taught to our children to TV, and in the classroom.
America will not survive unless we wake up and we all step up and say enough is enough! We must end legalized abortion, and send the proper messages to our children that their lives are worth something, that they are special, and that there is a God who created them that has a plan for their lives. We Americans have created more than one generation of violent youth, with no regard for human life, or anyone else's property.
I have one more place to put blame on, the Churches and professing Christians who have remained mostly silent why 56 million pre-born paid with their blood for our comfortable lifestyles. If the Church has spoken out long ago, instead of helping Margret Sanger push her plan to exterminate their children, maybe Roe vs Wade would have never happened? We are our own worst enemies, and the sad thing is, we don't realize it.
The time has come for those who profess to know Christ to end their silence towards abortion, and for all Americans to rise up and begin to counteract the damage we have allowed to take place in our society. This may not sit well with some people, but it's the truth. The Gospel of Jesus has the power to change society! Only the Scripture gives us true meaning for our lives, and can revolutionize this nation, and turn it around. God forbid that we should ignore this issue, as it is America's only hope for survival.
So I call each American citizen back to the God of the Bible, back to the life changing Gospel of Jesus. I call each one of you too repentance, and salvation in Christ.
God Save America!
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