English: West face of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. EspaƱol: Edificio de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos en Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
For forty plus years people have stood outside these houses of death, where babies are being murdered without mercy, without justice, and for forty plus years those the left has pushed to expand abortion services, and to gather more tax payer funding for their evil work. Forty plus years, over fifty-five million dead babies, persons whose rights were taken away from them by the Government, so they could be dehumanized, and killed for profit. No civilized society murders it's own citizens, what kind of a nation are we living in?
I want to focus in on the Pro-life movement, and how for the last 40 plus years they have been using the same tactics with very little change occurring in the way they operate. People gather in front of the death houses to pray, and prayer is a good thing, but silent vigils only enable abortion to continue, they don't effect it's abolition.
Sidewalk counselors are amazing people, they volunteer to stand near these houses of death for hours, calling out to the people who are walking into the clinics, trying to get them to come over and talk too them first. Some respond, many don't. A few accept the free help, and choose life for their babies, but the majority still enter the death houses to have their babies killed for money.
The Pro-Life movement has settled for second best, hoping to end abortion over time. The whole idea of incrementalism, win a few victories over many years and maybe abortion will end is not good enough. This only enables abortion to continue, and results in thousands of more dead children, persons that might be alive today in abortion had been abolished all together. What needs to happen? Everyone in the Pro-life movement needs to adopt the abolition mindset, and abolish abortion once and for all.
While creating a national network of abolitionists takes time, in the end it will pay off in a big way. The methodology of the Pro-Life movement needs to change now if we are to change the heart of the culture from one of death, to a culture of life. Silent vigils, candles, and crucifixes alone will not abolish abortion, forty plus years shows that too be true. If things are too change a little disruption needs to occur, there can be no tranquility for those who kill children.
Most of us remember a group called Operation Rescue, and how the leaders of this group were repeatedly arrested for blocking the doorways of the clinics, which only resulted in laws being created making it illegal to block the entrances, and drives. One thing they did right however was the graphic signage, and the calling out to those entering the clinics. That is the one thing that must remain, the signs that are provocative, and make people look.
Enter a new group called Abolish Human Abortion, a group formed in the state of Oklahoma by a few guys and gals who saw that what the Pro-life movement was doing to date, really was not working. They developed a logo that is eye catching, and slogans that make people think. They do some of what the traditional pro-lifers do, plus they protest at churches which are liberal and pro-choice, but they also exhort conservative churches to follow the commands of Christ "To love your neighbor as yourself", this includes your pre-born neighbor.
Using some slick marketing ideas, wearing T-shirts and hoodies with the AHA logo on them, and maybe one of their many slogans, a abolitionist wristband, and armed with a handful of drop-cards or fold-out brochures, they work tirelessly to wake up the dead churches, and transform the culture to that abortion will be abolished sooner than later.
The difference between Pro-lifers and Abolitionists is the sense of urgency abolitionists have to abolish abortion. While the pro-life movement hopes for another piece of legislation that might place some restrictions on abortion, abolitionists work to end abortion now! Abolitionists know that abortion will not end till enough people have joined their movement so that revival can come to the Church, and then Political Revolution can occur so that the Government will be forced to reverse it's law, and abortion will be abolished.
AHA considers abolition to be an important part of the Great Commission that Jesus Christ gave his Church, to go out and preach the Gospel to every living creature. AHA does indeed preach the Gospel when it goes out on the street, and it does so without compromise, or excuse. Abolitionists view the work of abolition as being the work of the church, and the long held work of Evangelicals more-so than that of orthodox Christians. Abolitionism is a calling that God has placed upon his Church, and we must answer that call, and love our pre-born neighbor, and abolish abortion.
If abolitionists fail to accomplish their goals. If the Christians remain inactive, and fail to be Christian by not sharing in the work of abolition, then we have truly lost the culture, and we will be the next group they come for to kill. How can anyone who calls himself/herself a follower of Christ not get involved in the work of abolition? If the Church is too be salt & light it must engage in radially transforming this culture by living out the Gospel, not just preaching it. Words become empty unless they are not backed up with actions, faith without works is dead.